It is a shame there was such a big deal over 2nd place in the record book.
posted by blademan6946 at 08:11 AM on May 29, 2006
What, thats music. Just go away and don't come near the Heat.
posted by blademan6946 at 07:16 AM on December 11, 2005
How could anyone compare Carlos Delgado to Rosa Parks. What are you thinking?
posted by blademan6946 at 07:25 AM on December 10, 2005
Being in the Miami area I am a big Marlins fan. Having Carlos Delgado here for that one season we got to know him as a quiet hard worker and got along well with everyone. Standing for GBA was only added after 9/11, so lets keep all that stuff out of the pre game.
posted by blademan6946 at 07:21 AM on December 10, 2005
Dude, that was JOHN Franco that pitched for the Reds.
posted by blademan6946 at 06:59 AM on December 10, 2005
Hey,what about Czonka, Kiick, and Warfield.
posted by blademan6946 at 05:15 PM on December 05, 2005
Another Opinion on the BCS
There is a need for a playoff game for gators and mich. to determine who should play The Ohio State....