I dont care who MAY have caught the ball....the bottom limne, the fact of the matter, the unpire is in charge and when he can't get it right with some helpo from hios comrades, games get weird. Does HE know the rules I know? Read every word..I dont care what your mechanics ARE: And what makes baseball so absolute are the rules. Third Strike Rule 6.05 (b): A batter is out when a third strike is legally caught by the catcher... Third Strike Rule 6.09 (b): The batter becomes a runner when the third strike called by the umpire is not caught ... When a batter becomes a base runner on a third strike not caught by the catcher and starts for the dugout, or his position, and then realizes his situation and then attempts to reach first base, he is not out unless he or first base is tagged before he reaches first base... ...regardless of the umpire's initial, definitive and absolute motion. 6.05, ball is legally caught by catcher, regardless of what crazy-ass 'mechanic' is used by an ump, anywhere, he can't get his motion down or say the right word along with the mechanic. 6.09, this ball was caught--- it was so caught, even the catcher DIDN'T tag the batter....as they do when they are even slightly unsure and may have trapped. with these rules WHO needs an umpire, I mean really.
posted by samboney at 07:58 AM on October 14, 2005
Buerhle throws a gem of a game,
...third strike is legally caught by the catcher... Eddings punched a strike or an OUT with the fist..it was the THIRD --when I counted --and it was caught. The ball can make contact with the ground before the mit(so trapping doesnt matter, Mr ump), it just CAN'T make contact with the bat without being in play, and Eddings motioned with right hand, "no contact" (hint here: w/ bat) and then behind it, the punch.