For those that say Soccer will NEVER fully take root in the American main stream, consider this: The quality of play within the U.S. , at ALL age levels, has improved significantly in the past 20 years. This is a function of increased participation and associated competition. The game is definitely growing within this country at a notable (not explosive) pace. Like any other sport, it's rise in popularity and public involvement, is a progressive evolution. As the U.S. continues to improve, we will eventually see a shocking positive appearance in the world cup. If this happens, it could be the tipping point in exposure and popularity. (Similar to hockey's re-birth after the 80 Olympics). USA FIFA Ranking has gone from Nothing to 7th ....not bad .. this IS a reflection of development and growth !!
posted by Z-man at 05:10 PM on October 12, 2005
While the New Orleans Saints
So, Mr Benson has been looking for a way out of New Orleans for some time. He, relatively recently, contractually agreed to keep the team there until 2010 and as a result received a sizable amount of money. Now that he sees greater $$ signs elesewhere, he is looking for a way to weazel out of the contract. Considering the consistantly pathetic performance of this team, I say let him go, but force him to pay a percentage of his future revenue back to the city for Katrina reconstruction. The NFL should provide assurances that an expansion team would be approved within 5 years. After Katrina reconstruction is completed, New Orleans will be a new place. We might as well add to the future hope by attaching our alliegiance to a new team that is led and owned by people that will actually yield positive results and actually CARE about the community they represent. P.S. GET RID OF HASLET !! .... better yet leave N.O. and keep him.