EAST (1) Ottawa vs (8) Tampa Bay Ottawa in 4 (2) Carolina vs (7) Montreal Montreal in 6 (3) New Jersey vs (6) NY Rangers New Jersey i n 6 (4) Buffalo vs (5) Philadelphia Buffalo in 5 WEST (1) Detroit vs (8) Edmonton Detroit in 5 (2) Dallas vs (7) Colorado Dallas in 5 (3) Calgary vs (6) Anaheim Anaheim in 5 (4) Nashville vs (5) San Jose Nashville in 6
posted by lauch at 09:04 AM on April 19, 2006
TSN seems to have great hockey coverage, but only of Canadian teams (front page - Ottawa ready for Tampa Bay). I live in Chicago...CHICAGO...ad the reaction I get here is "hockey?.....what about them Cubs?"
posted by lauch at 08:58 AM on April 19, 2006
See the problem I have with being voluntary, is that when a player goes down because of an injury, it's the team that takes the hit the most. When you sink 5 million into a player and they hit the pavement because they were stupid...doesn't reflect too well. Proper investment practice, make sure you cover your butt.
posted by lauch at 02:37 PM on October 07, 2005
Honestly, they shouldn't be required to wear one, but each organization should start writing requirements for wearing one into their contracts, or maybe bonuses based on wearing one. If the clubs take responsibility for their players, then sooner or later, the ones without the visors will be the odd men out. Though seeing as though we went a year without hockey, I'm not sure the owners have any responsibility.
posted by lauch at 11:09 AM on October 07, 2005
Great hockey, yes, but is anyone watching?
I'm sure the NHL would love to broadcast on a better network, but the strike compiled with obvious lack of interest this year, is going to make it difficult going forward. They shot themselves in the foot and then television viewers shot them in the other foot. The NHL needs a fan-based, NHL-backed marketing plan. Let the fans get their friends and family to watch, and back it up with weblogs supporting the sport complete with NHL trademarked content. If my weblog attracts 10 people a day, that's 10 people who see how great I think the sport is. Networking leads to more people who get more people watching. NASCAR has committed itself to technology and look how fast the sport has grown!