Forgot to add that the horses have never attacked the hang gliders when they do land, showing the difference between predators and grazing animals...
posted by mo at 01:05 PM on February 04, 2007
The pasture where I keep my horse with 37 others is bordered by a steep hill with a regional park on the other side of the fence. Occasinally a hang glider will launch from up there. As they glide back and forth catching thermals and the like over the pasture, their shadow swoops along the ground. The horses will stampede to escape it, sometimes repeatedly as a glider goes back and forth.
posted by mo at 01:03 PM on February 04, 2007
Barry is the purest hitter of his generation, and one of the best of all time--a real pleasure to watch, steroids or not. But this Baumann guy is interesting. He hit 72 homers in 138 games, but was not a Rob Deer. He hit .400 that year. A Barry-like season. Amazing that he never made it the majors, even if partly by choice. He could make more by selling shoestrings on the corner?!! Did anyone else notice that Baumann played in Roswell, NM? Forget about steroids, maybe the aliens gave him superpowers! When a pitcher does well in the Pacific Coast League they always say that bodes well because it's a hitters league. Does that really mean that they will somehow do better against major league hitters? I thought Ted Klezuwski (sp) had the minor league record of 66 dingers.
posted by mo at 04:08 PM on September 21, 2005
Big Papi backs Bonds, doesn't know if he took steroids
Bonds is 11 away from the record. No, I don't mean THAT record, but the record held by Carlton Fisk--72 home runs hit after turning 40. All of which happened after any of the alleged. Pretty damned amazing... Actually the same home run may break both records--they only showed the Fisk stat once, so I am not 100% sure, though I'm sure it will come up again...