You gotta remember, Manny is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Nevertheless, its no excuse, when your a member of a TEAM, you should act like one and do whats in the best interest for the TEAM. If he doesn't want the job, give it to me! Stop complaining. If he is still around next year, we'll go thru this again as we do every year with him. By the way, Millar was rallying for Manny on tv, but then again, put a mike in front of Millar, and he'll talk about anything. He is such a media diva, he loves the sound of his own voice! He probably talks to himself in the mirror using his hairbrush as a mike.
Make up your damned mind!
You gotta remember, Manny is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Nevertheless, its no excuse, when your a member of a TEAM, you should act like one and do whats in the best interest for the TEAM. If he doesn't want the job, give it to me! Stop complaining. If he is still around next year, we'll go thru this again as we do every year with him. By the way, Millar was rallying for Manny on tv, but then again, put a mike in front of Millar, and he'll talk about anything. He is such a media diva, he loves the sound of his own voice! He probably talks to himself in the mirror using his hairbrush as a mike.