I should have also said that that is why there is two baseball outlets: AAU and Little League/Babe Ruth League. Travel teams should not be allowed to remain wholly intact in a rec league. A draft is the way, but it is not fullproof.
posted by kidcoach at 12:34 PM on June 22, 2005
Wow, too many adult attitudes when discussing a kids game. These are the goals for kids coaches: 1. Have fun! Period. 2. Teach them to get better. 3. Get them to return next year. The thing that many folks on this string don't realize is the number of AAU kids who get burned out and quit. If a team is consistently beating other teams badly, then they will lose interest, so if you aren't playing close games, then the true fun of baseball is lost. It is hard to show a kid the fun in getting beat ALL of the time, and they will also quit. If you are OK with that, then fine. However, what makes you so sure that the kid you just ran out of baseball won't grow to be a good ball player? Has anybody ever wondered why blacks are not coming into baseball (African Americans, not other countries)? It is a hard game to play at an older age. What game do they play? Pick up basketball and football games. And guess what? They pick teams based on talent, and the two teams are usually competitive. Go to any playground and watch this first hand before you start talking that politics are raising a bunch of pansies. We are not raising pansies, we're just not getting kids to play baseball. We just lost to a team in an All Star tournament. We had a bunch of rec team players, and they had a bunch of AAU travel players. We got our butt handed to us. Do I care? Not really. Do my kids care? Not for more than 5 minutes. See, they're kids. However, I think a few of my kids have a better chance at advancing in baseball than the other kids because: 1. They will not get burnt out. 2. They are more well rounded because they play other sports. 3. Their older brothers play HS and college ball, and they are exposed to this. When kids are ready to play all of the time, then let them. Until them, it is just a game.
posted by kidcoach at 12:19 PM on June 22, 2005
When the going gets rough, the parents just teach their kids to quit.
I would venture to guess that the people complaining have just never been involved in youth baseball. The situation discussed in the article was in response to a situation that should never have occurred. That is why rec baseball drafts players (no, this method is not perfect) and travel teams get who they want. Heck, there are people scouting fourth graders now.