Yeah Tiger does have some "flaws" in his game right now caompared to the Tiger of "old" (cause you know, at age 29, he's totally lost his game). But the fact is, forget stats, tournys won this year, majors, forget it all, the guy is still the top golfer in the game year in and year out. He's number one right now and only lost that position for a very brief period of time to Vigay (I know how it's spelled, I just don't like him). In the last 376 weeks, he has been number one in the world for 344 of them!!! So in the last 7 years he has only not been number one for what, 8 months. Woopee! Yeah, he's terrible. I like watching the other guys win too. You want other players to win...Freddie, Phil,'s just so fun to watch him hit shots that no other player in the world can hit consistantly like he does. He's is a freak when his game is on. When it's not, he's just the number one player in the world.
posted by slump_buster at 09:52 AM on June 23, 2005
I would like to know how exactly this dumba$$ thinks that Tiger's Driver did not work. He was first in Driving for the Tourny and 1st in GIR! Yes, his putting sucked but his first sentence...doesn't make any sense at all. Idiot
posted by slump_buster at 08:43 AM on June 21, 2005
USA better than England.
Well I love the game and played it for 16 years but I think all of you have already made more points than I can make so...after this morning (bombings again), I will just say that I hope the US and England kick ass in '06 no matter how screwed the rankings may be.