Somebody ask Brendan Shanahan how safe the players feel with that kind of "punishment?" for the assault on Zetterberg. Zeke would be better filing assault charges at the Police station. Really $2500 for a repeat offender. So obviously Bettman was consulted. The NHL should be ashamed of themselves for allowing the way the refs called that one last night. I've lost ALL respect for Brendan who was explaining calls on video on the NHL website. What a hypocrite! So is that the standard for a REPEAT offender? If $2500 is the going rate, will it be the same across the league. If one of the Red Wings came to Zetterbergs aid and put his stick half way up Shea's backside, would that be half a game? Or would the fine be like $20 an inch? No control from the NHL officials on this incident. Maybe they should ask the players instead of Brendan because it doesn't seem that he has the players best interest at heart.
posted by ParTee at 03:14 PM on April 12, 2012
SportsFilter: The Thursday Huddle
Don't dress McCarty see if we can get Brock Lesnar.