It always seems sad to me that our highly esteemed and responsible congress has to (or feels it has to) deal with something as mundane as sports. However, unfortunately, there are steroids and the BCS. No genius is required to know that the present system is about a D-. Preseason rankings have always been unfair, this system or another. As of now there are too, too, too many bowl teams. A .500 team going to a bowl for the almighty buck is crap. Excluding "Weak Conferences"from bowls is crap. Remember when the WAC was ignored even though BYU and AF were kicking butt. Now it's taken almost forever to recognize Boise St. and Fresno St. I, for one, love sitting in front of my TV on New Years Day and watching football all day long. Would I give this up for a true NCAA playoff? You betcha! I know it would break from tradition but if the "bowls" would participate in a playoff system through December I think they would soon make their almighty buck. I hope I'm not boring you but I was really peeved a few years ago. USC was #1 and obviously in the title game. OK was # 2 and got beat by Texas in the Big 12 playoff. OK went to the championship game anyway and got creamed. By the BCS own rules that year #5 BYU should have played USC but they did not recognize them because they came from a minor conference. SO! your rules. Even so, due to various committments of other teams, USC's next opponent, by their own rules, should have been #11 PSU. I don't care if BYU &/or PSU would have got beat by 100. That was not the point. I'll shut up now.
posted by wconst4444globalnet at 01:41 AM on May 03, 2009
I could never do it even if I had the skill. Those who have the skill can. Those who love and wed the skilled know what they are getting into. To us (the unskilled) it is irresponsible and incomprehensible. To the extreme athlete it is commonplace. While I grieve for those left behind, the extreme athlete is NOT to be condemned but admired for his (her) life. Code name Walenska.
posted by wconst4444globalnet at 12:52 AM on May 03, 2009
Delaware Supreme Court OKs Sports Betting