Sorry, but for all you guys who refuse to believe roids raises your all-around stats, I will try to enlighten you. Andro and d-ball help you to train much harder and increase your strength, conditioning and fast-twitch responses abnormally. Just the increase in power raises your average by as much as 50 points due to the warning track fly balls that now go out, the "fisters" that you are now able to push over infielders heads and the way pitchers pitch around you once you've jacked a few. Now add HGH to the mix and you begin to regain the reflexes and energy of a 20 year old AND your 20/40 vision suddenly reverts to 20/20 (Some even suggest that Bonds vision during his homerun tear a few years back was actually 20/10 - enough to make out where the print on the ball is as it rotates - not read, but see). The Giants have let everyone know just how much better their clubhouse is since the "cancer" left. He is a shameful, jealous bum.
Union to examine why Bonds has no offers
Sorry, but for all you guys who refuse to believe roids raises your all-around stats, I will try to enlighten you. Andro and d-ball help you to train much harder and increase your strength, conditioning and fast-twitch responses abnormally. Just the increase in power raises your average by as much as 50 points due to the warning track fly balls that now go out, the "fisters" that you are now able to push over infielders heads and the way pitchers pitch around you once you've jacked a few. Now add HGH to the mix and you begin to regain the reflexes and energy of a 20 year old AND your 20/40 vision suddenly reverts to 20/20 (Some even suggest that Bonds vision during his homerun tear a few years back was actually 20/10 - enough to make out where the print on the ball is as it rotates - not read, but see). The Giants have let everyone know just how much better their clubhouse is since the "cancer" left. He is a shameful, jealous bum.