The Bison might be the best one there, but its still not all that great.
posted by freeze_over98 at 07:27 PM on July 26, 2008
I wish I could have played sandlot ball when I was a kid. Hell, I wish there was a sandlot team near where I live now, I still want to play. (I'm 22.) I really want to play the game, but its nearly impossible to do for free here with out being in high school. I don't want to pay $200 to play in a league, only because I know I'm (at best) a mediocre player. I just want to play for fun. Tell you what, anyone else want to start a sandlot team? I'll get some bolt cutters and get us on a field.
posted by freeze_over98 at 02:18 AM on July 25, 2008
Remember Lance Berkman's first All-Star appearance? He struck out during the Home Run Derby. Just the jitters that come with being a first-time All-Star. Uggla will be there again, and perform better. *edit* Ok, maybe I exaggerated saying he struck out. But he did horribly, and you could tell he wasn't relaxed. Same with Uggla.
posted by freeze_over98 at 11:57 PM on July 16, 2008
I couldn't help but read this with a grin.
posted by freeze_over98 at 05:39 PM on July 13, 2008
Since we have inter-league play now (since 1997), why not let the team with best inter-league record have homefield advantage in the World Series? It might take some of the relevance out of the All-Star game, but it would certainly be more fair to the individual teams that play in the Series. And using the All-Star game as a deciding factor for homefield adv. is not any sort of tradition yet (started 2003), so no one should be crying too much. Taking the Relevance out of the All-Star game would be a good thing. Its too serious now. It's not about fun like it used to be. Remember when Randy Johnson almost hit Larry Walker in the '97 AS Game? Walker turned around to bat right handed, as a joke. You won't see stuff like that anymore, as long as the outcome of the game decides something.
posted by freeze_over98 at 03:30 PM on July 12, 2008
The annual All-Star Game, to be played Tuesday, has practically become a farce: Not counting a 2002 tie, the AL has won 10 straight. Just more proof that having the All-Star game decide Home Field Advantage in the World Series was a Bad Idea.
posted by freeze_over98 at 01:20 AM on July 12, 2008
(What's the CFL?) The Canadian Football League
posted by freeze_over98 at 01:53 PM on July 07, 2008
I think I just found a reason to love overbearing Christian censorship.
posted by freeze_over98 at 04:56 PM on July 01, 2008
I actually think they got it right the first time.
posted by freeze_over98 at 09:19 AM on June 30, 2008
They keep complaining about Bonds using steroids to bolster his numbers. But I have yet to hear a single complaint about when Doc Ellis threw a No-Hitter on Acid.
posted by freeze_over98 at 12:45 PM on June 28, 2008
Jerry Jones (Dallas Cowboys Owner) should buy a baseball team. He seems to have a knack for taking players with criminal records, bad attitudes, etc. and making them useful. Baseball doesn't have a team like that. Unless you count the Yankees (which I don't).
posted by freeze_over98 at 12:39 AM on June 28, 2008
I think the Mariners should take him up on his offer. Worst record in the Majors, whats the worst that could happen by letting Barry DH for free? They'd probably profit from it because of the crowds he would draw. He may be the most hated man in baseball, but people will still pay to see him. Hell, I would, and I can't stand him.
posted by freeze_over98 at 11:47 PM on June 27, 2008
That's one hell of a coaching staff.
posted by freeze_over98 at 07:05 PM on June 20, 2008
@ Holden: And who knows what Rick Ankiel will do there, he might make it 4.
posted by freeze_over98 at 12:27 PM on June 05, 2008
What's strange to me, is that I still think of KGJ as a young guy and he has nearly 20 years under his belt. Damn, I'm old. Its hard NOT to think of Griffey as a young kid. And he's been playing Pro ball for almost as long as I've been alive. (I'm 22)
posted by freeze_over98 at 06:00 PM on June 02, 2008
Playboy is "the world's most famous glamour magazine"? Really? I thought it was just the worlds most famous ad space.
posted by freeze_over98 at 04:01 PM on May 27, 2008
In response to SAVANX, I kinda like the DH, but I also Love seeing pitchers Hit. So, I think they should keep the rules as they are. The only thing that bothers me about Major League Baseball, is 14 AL teams, and 16 NL teams. And the arrangement of them. 6 Teams in the NL Central, and 4 teams in the AL West? thats just not right. Milwaukee should switch back to the AL, and even it out. OR... Mr. Selig can expand the league and add 2 AL teams.
posted by freeze_over98 at 02:23 AM on May 13, 2008
Here's the Yahoo story on it. They're planning to clean it up and auction it off for charity, as well as possibly take the guy (who did it) to court. Don't Joke with the Yanks, they'll say you're a "really, really bad" person, and seek Legal Action.
posted by freeze_over98 at 03:36 PM on April 13, 2008
Oh man.... I completely forgot it was April 1st. This one got me pretty good. I was thinking, "Who the HELL is Lirpa Sloof?!"
posted by freeze_over98 at 01:00 AM on April 01, 2008
Great job by Trinity to finally gain some recognition. Anyone who has read comments from me before, knows I'm in San Antonio, which happens to be where Trinity is... This is all over the local news, and front page on all the papers... Most of the people in this city (population: 2 million) didn't even know Trinity HAD a team.
posted by freeze_over98 at 04:10 AM on October 29, 2007
Someone is bound to bring up the Coolbaugh Family share, it might as well be me. The Black Hand is right, this we'll be the most good-natured World Series. After all, its already been the most good-natured postseason I can remember.
posted by freeze_over98 at 07:49 AM on October 16, 2007
Standard bandwagon teams. Ever notice guys that the biggest fans of the Raiders, Cowboys and Steelers are NEVER from the city or state? Bandwagoners are the scum of sports fans. You've obviously never been to Texas, much less, the Dallas-Ft. Worth Area. I live 6 hours away from Dallas, and we have several stores around town called "The Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop." Nothing but Cowboys memorabilia and souvenirs.
posted by freeze_over98 at 09:12 AM on October 05, 2007
I'm starting to like the Rockies more and more, even though they beat my Padres. I live in San Antonio, and we have the Padres AA affiliate here, and I had just seen Mike no too long before it happened when Tulsa came to town. Oddly enough, The night it happened, his Brother, Scott was here in town as the first base coach for Frisco. I talked to him after the game, and he was in a good mood. Obviously, he didn't know yet (no one did). The Coolbaugh brothers were born and raised here in San Antonio, so I feel even more connected... *Another odd coincidence, the next time Frisco came through, their manager was ejected, so Scott took over as third base coach. Later that inning, John Mayberry Jr. fouled one off straight at him. He moved and took it off his chest, then picked it up and tossed to a fan.
posted by freeze_over98 at 07:17 PM on October 04, 2007
MINE IS STUCK TOO... oh, there it goes... I agree with bperk. Maybe his home country is more important to him than playing for a crappy team. I'd skip a mandatory practice to attend my kid's graduation, i'd skip if a family member passed away, and I'd skip to do something else I feel is important. but then again, I'm not exactly a pro athlete.
posted by freeze_over98 at 04:18 PM on October 04, 2007
Yet another move by the Rockets to drive away their fan-base... You know, besides sucking... (sorry, I'm from San Antonio. So if you're not the Spurs, you suck. And if you're the Lakers, well, I wont get into that)
posted by freeze_over98 at 07:26 AM on October 04, 2007
I seem to be the only person that doesn't like what Tony Romo is turning into.. I mean, I knew all along he was a good quarterback, and he's doing a great job, but his instant super-stardom got to his head almost immediately. I say this as a person who knows how he was as a rookie, and someone who can see the difference in his attitude now..
posted by freeze_over98 at 07:49 PM on October 02, 2007
Winters apologized to the umpire's Union over the indent, but has no intention of apologizing to Bradley... He admitted he did in fact say it, thats why the union isn't appealing the suspension.
posted by freeze_over98 at 08:43 AM on September 28, 2007
I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one on Bradley's side.
posted by freeze_over98 at 06:29 PM on September 26, 2007
If only Hunter Pence hadn't been injured......
posted by freeze_over98 at 02:52 AM on September 12, 2007
NBA Trademarks 6 Possible names for Oklahoma's team...
That'd only work if they were from Texas. Oh yes, Its hard to get around here with all those damn cows blocking our dirt roads.