That Warren Buffett advised Alex Rodriguez on his contract negotiations (and that the story was broken by the WSJ) is great, and also says a lot about sports these days.
posted by Boris at 06:09 AM on November 18, 2007
"This was a middle-aged woman hauling her flab around the District of Columbia." He burned up the course at about 30 seconds per mile faster than Oprah, and yet doesn't include himself in the feel-good-amateur-competitive-spirit-wrecking category? He would do well to be a bit more critical of himself than all these other people that are ruining the sport for, well, him, I guess?
posted by Boris at 07:19 PM on November 17, 2007
New York Times: Paterno's Exit Underway at Penn State
Joey Michaels: long time lurker here, and I always appreciate your comments and insight. But I thought that Joe Posnanski piece was lousy. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. The Onion piece linked to previously I think was much better, in all seriousness.
I tip my hat to SpoFi for an enlightening and focused dialogue. I haven't seen any better on all of the internets.