Yet another example..
posted by YaddaYadda2010 at 09:02 PM on May 20, 2007
By all means, I do not mean to stereotype, but I think if you look at the places in which many NFL and NBA players grow up, there is a more apparent history of social deviance than players in the NHL and the Major Leagues. For a lot of players, the NFL and the NBA are the only ways for them to "make it". I'm not trying to condone what's going on in the NFL and the NBA because it is becoming an all to prevelant newspaper headline when someone gets in trouble. But I don't think that it is any rules or regulations that makes the NHL and MLB less "troublesome", it's the makeup of the athletes who play these sports (and I'm not racial stereotyping here because just as many white athletes in these sports get in trouble too.)
posted by YaddaYadda2010 at 08:38 PM on May 20, 2007
Deja vu all over again for the Bengals
I wasn't commenting on this specific incident as I was just trying to comment on the original post about how it seems more athletes seem to be getting in trouble when it comes to the NFL and the NBA. I was not saying that football was his only way to make it. I also was not saying that every football player came from a bad place (even though just about every city has its bad places). I wasn't making a racist comment either, as I clearly stated I was not stereotyping. All I was trying to say is exactly what AFLvet wrote in his post when he said: "The problem is these guys already had these personality traits..." And when it comes to people getting in trouble in MLB and the NHL -- Major Leaguers are dropping like flies from steroid abuse. While it's not the same off the field legal trouble that we are talking about with the NHL and NBA, it would be splitting hairs to say that this did not constitute the same thing. Also, when players in the NHL get in trouble, they seem to get in trouble on the ice (assault charges from violent fights and acts). Also, hockey players getting in trouble will not be heard about as much in the public as it is a sport that gets a lot less attention nationally than the NFL. Going back to the question Spira posed: I think any human being whether they're white, black, yellow, purple, or of the midget-clown variety can get themselves in trouble. But I think AFLvet said it best that these players who keep getting in trouble have had this same mindset forever and it is just something that gets fueled by the hype and noteriety that comes with being a professional athelete.