Recent Comments by donrico

Knight: I didn't do anything wrong, would do it again

jojo doesn't understand paraphrasing obviously. Secondly, if I play for you and you pull me and then upchuck me on the chin then sit me you are reprimanding me! I guess a frightened college age kid who didn't even have his mothers backing might cover for his physically abusive coach. Lastly, jojo also has a case of mind readingitis, "Knight wanted to see it in his eyes if he had it in him to pull out of it or not". Sounds like a clear case of mind-reading of B. Knight to me. I believe I counted at least six lip suction marks on B. Knights behind from jojo!

posted by donrico at 01:54 AM on November 15, 2006

Knight: I didn't do anything wrong, would do it again

How many swp's (smacked while playing) does Knight get? I don't care how many posters feel improperly weened, it is not appropriate to strike another human being period! Especially if your name is Bobby Knight. How many passes does this coach get before he is treated like a mere mortal? I find these weak-kneed apologist disgusting at best. He should be suspended at a minimum and yes I played sports, football and I ran track.

posted by donrico at 10:37 PM on November 14, 2006

Quarterback Drew Brees tell his mom to go long -- off a short pier

Simply sad, to try and spin cute or caustic wit in a situation like this would be pitiable.

posted by donrico at 07:19 PM on October 31, 2006

"Seperation Saturday" Blowouts, blind refs, and defensive struggles

Not only did the ref get the review wrong his emphatic call after the review indicated that his mind was made up before the review.

posted by donrico at 03:14 PM on September 17, 2006