I recently read an article about "Faith Days" in Atlanta. Please tell me that my beloved team, The Cards, won't stoop to this level. Isn't there a separation of Church and Baseball? There should be. I cannot figure out for the life of me why MLB would do something so controversial and divisive? Many of my male friends have ONE thing in common: our love of sports. Why does MLB see the need to add dogma to the peaceful and often universal (for males anyway) language that is sports. I don't need to know you from Adam, but I bet we could converse about last night's game without ever digressing into politics or religion. I know many may find this hard to belive but, I find this whole episode more disturbing than steroids and cheating. If you need evidence of how divisive this topic is you need look no further than this thread. Thanks a lot for bringing dogma into basball. (The article I read: http://www.thenation.com/doc/20060814/zirin) Thanks, Aaron PS I hate Bud Selig more than ever and how that is possible I do not know, I thought that snake had sunk as low as he could.
posted by stonejunkie at 03:53 PM on August 01, 2006
Faith Day
This just in: MLB no longer allows Atheists, Jews, or Arabs to enter stadiums and blacks are forbidden to play at all. MLB has taken one step forward and century back.