Barry would have been probably top 3 - 5 HR hitter of all time if he hadn't juiced. He would easily have been the top player of his generation. His egomaniacal pursuit of the record while denying his obvious involvement with BALCO and ripping on Babe Ruth is offensive. Is he the only one juicing? Absolutely not, but he is in position to break a monumental record and it's a shame that he had to cheat to do it.
posted by Frank Grimes at 11:06 PM on May 28, 2006
1986: 6'1", 185 lbs. 2006: 6'2", 230 lbs. Sure, lots of 35 year olds have growth spurts. Smells like taint.
posted by Frank Grimes at 08:56 PM on May 28, 2006
Barry would have been probably top 3 - 5 HR hitter of all time if he hadn't juiced. He would easily have been the top player of his generation. His egomaniacal pursuit of the record while denying his obvious involvement with BALCO and ripping on Babe Ruth is offensive. Is he the only one juicing? Absolutely not, but he is in position to break a monumental record and it's a shame that he had to cheat to do it.