I can't believe it. People are actually saying that it's not a big deal that Schilling pitched through this injury? This injury could end his career. He should be in surgery TODAY. He should have been in surgery the day it happened. But he wanted to pitch. He wanted his team to advance, and he wanted to be one of the guys who pushed them forward. How is he not a hero? Yeah, Womack had back spasms, and I absolutely applaud him for playing. But he got taken out, he's benched for now. Schilling shouldn't be playing right now, but he is, because that's how badly he wants this. He's putting his health and his career on the line because right now this is more important to him. That's heroic.
posted by SaxumAstrum712 at 05:08 PM on October 27, 2004
Is anyone else sick of Curt Schilling?
Agreed that many players do play through their injuries. But I really believe that there are precious few players who would be willing to risk ending their careers by playing just one more game, and then do it again a few days later, then again. I don't think there are many professional athletes who would say "You know, this injury is really bad, and could possibly debilitate me to the point that i couldn't play (my sport) anymore after today, but right now, THIS is what matters, this is more important than me, my injury, anything. My team is everything, and I want to do my part." Curt is doing that, and he will continue doing it until the Red Sox are finished in this Series.