yukongold hit it on the nose, Nike is just using it's advertising budget (the hugest in the world) to honor one of its employees, just so happens it's near fathers day when Tiger decides to reemerge. Lostindajungle will still buy Nike products guaranteed.
posted by Number6 at 03:45 PM on June 14, 2006
the cavs have been getting all the calls in the 4th quarter. Last night with 2.3 seconds to go it was cleary knocked out of bounds by cleveland. Detroit will still prevail in 6.
posted by Number6 at 06:21 PM on May 16, 2006
The Islanders have officially gone batshit.
DiPietro will be a flash in the pan goalie at best. Wings will win the cup this year by getting rid of dead weight scorers in playoffs, but Hasek will he make the whole year? If he does he will carry them thru playoffs, my bet is Howard comes to the rescue