I don't think the O'Neal was much of a sucker punch.
After Artest got done beating the guy down in the crowd, he came back on the court and three husky guys looked like they were going to jump him.
Who was the guy in the olive suit, one of the coaches?
The third guy about got pepper-sprayed by the cop at mid-court.
Did you see the chair thown at O'Neal?
They're going to have to put a big bubble hockey game lid on top of the court from now on.
I feel sorry for Artest.
He was laying down before it happened, I think he's close to Tyson on the mental stability scale...
posted by sirdavidalot at 12:05 AM on November 20, 2004
They're going to need the national guard there for the playoffs.
posted by sirdavidalot at 10:49 PM on November 19, 2004
I took recreation 100 as the intersession class between Christmas and New Year's. We got to play lazer tag at the mall, paintball and barn-swinging at a nearby farm, board games, rollerskating, etc. It was awesome.
posted by sirdavidalot at 03:40 PM on September 24, 2004
The Malice In The Palace
I hope one of the players sues that fan in the gray and black sweater. They got to be able to afford some Jackie Chiles quality representation.