Instead of thinking about what the fans didnt get, think about what they did get. A cheap ticket and a great game, with their sixers coming out on top. Why would two superstars like AI and C web want to jepordize their health in a game where the only thing to play for is "fan apprciation".
posted by JimboYo at 11:58 AM on April 20, 2006
Highest-Scoring Battle: Player Versus Team
The lakers have no chance against the suns. The suns will go back and forth with you bucket for bucket, and when you miss an easy lay-up or two they will drain three's to keep the pressure on, while going on a 15-0 run. Lets see how many timeouts Phil Jackson has to use JUST to stop Suns runs. I think the Suns take this one in 5, and the only reason its not a sweep is because Kobe will take over game 4 and drop 60+