'American sports are played with the hands. Using your feet is for commies'.
how can you call the super bowl a true world championship, when they don't play the rest of the world. Don't get me wrong I grew up idolizing ed "to tall" Jones. I wanted to crush the quarter back with earth moving tackles. But not until I saw my first soccer game did i realize how physical it was. I have seen more broken bones in youth soccer than I ever have watching football for thirty six years. and talk about being in shape, a high school football player plays 15 minute quarters with time outs and pauses for moving the chain. a 12 yo soccer player runs for thirty minutes with no time outs, the only pause they get is if some one gets hurt. and they have more injurys per game than any two football players put together. now talk about diving, Football players do so much whining about he grabbed and held me, he hit me after five yards its ridiculous. shut up and play, let the officials make the calls and you play the game. after all thats what your getting paid millions of dollars for right.
posted by rmiller8171 at 08:06 PM on April 02, 2006
'American sports are played with the hands. Using your feet is for commies'.
how can you call the super bowl a true world championship, when they don't play the rest of the world. Don't get me wrong I grew up idolizing ed "to tall" Jones. I wanted to crush the quarter back with earth moving tackles. But not until I saw my first soccer game did i realize how physical it was. I have seen more broken bones in youth soccer than I ever have watching football for thirty six years. and talk about being in shape, a high school football player plays 15 minute quarters with time outs and pauses for moving the chain. a 12 yo soccer player runs for thirty minutes with no time outs, the only pause they get is if some one gets hurt. and they have more injurys per game than any two football players put together. now talk about diving, Football players do so much whining about he grabbed and held me, he hit me after five yards its ridiculous. shut up and play, let the officials make the calls and you play the game. after all thats what your getting paid millions of dollars for right.