Under baseball's steriod policy, if Bonds was found to have actually used steroids in the past, nothing would be done about it, right? Can they take away the mans' records?
posted by potpatient at 12:31 PM on March 07, 2006
Didn't he have diabetes or something? I think thats why he lost his vision and started getting so puffy.
posted by potpatient at 12:12 PM on March 07, 2006
217 PIM for 35 games isn't that horrendous. That's an average of 6.2 PIM per game. So you're looking at maybe a couple of minors and the occasional fight. A chippy style of play, yes, but well worth it if he's scoring 2.2 PPG. Yeah I'd take those stats anyday!
posted by potpatient at 12:11 PM on March 07, 2006
Other guys who fit this description: David Rivers, Dan Palombizio, Bo Kimble, Ed O'Bannon, Mateen Cleaves, Sam Bowie, Jason Williams (the Dukie who ruined his career by crashing his cycle)...and countless others. I'm sure you all can think of some. I agree with you about all of these guys, except for Jason Williams. If he had not crashed his bike, he would be a great player in the NBA. He was on his way.
posted by potpatient at 11:42 AM on March 07, 2006
I wish more players today carried themselves with the same level of class that Kirby showed throughout his career. RIP
posted by potpatient at 11:39 AM on March 07, 2006
Obviously no one else has a problem with it.
posted by potpatient at 09:01 AM on March 07, 2006
Success in college doesn't always correlate into success in the pros. Sometimes guys are just suited to play college ball. A perfect example is Casey Jacobsen. He was the leading scorer in college b-ball while he played at Stanford, and now he's...... Does anyone know?
posted by potpatient at 06:57 PM on March 06, 2006
Kirby Puckett Passes Away
He lost vision in one eye due to glaucoma. ahh, he should've asked Ricky Williams for some "medicine".