Name: | joe |
Member since: | June 14, 2007 |
Last visit: | November 12, 2010 |
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jlh0837 has posted 0 links and 30 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
there are still three kids without a dad. they are better off.
posted by jlh0837 at 04:27 PM on December 19, 2009
even in his last hour this dude broke the law. you are not allowed to be riding in the back of a pick up truck.
posted by jlh0837 at 05:01 AM on December 18, 2009
actually, jumping in the back of truck was the bullshit maneuver
posted by jlh0837 at 08:23 PM on December 17, 2009
why is everyone making such a huge deal out of this, being that the alleged victim said that spikes shouldn't have got suspended at all.
The statement you made is ridiculous! If he was just trying to wipe the spit back in his face and not poke his eye, his hand would not have been angled right up at his eyes. Watch it again, Spikes is in there so far his glove is falling off
my point exactly, his hand was so far inside his facemask that if he wanted to he could have gouged out his eyes. and apparently Ealey knew what was going on that's why he stated that spikes should not have been suspended.
posted by jlh0837 at 01:28 AM on November 05, 2009
look, i could care less about the whole thing. also, one correction, spikes wears a clear face mask cover, so it was never on his actual face, but i see nobody in here pays enough attention to notice those things. and another thing, it doesnt matter what any of you think, its all about winning, no matter what the cost. it is far bigger than any of you, so this sorta thing will continue, its football, and it happens at every level. from elementary to the pros. and one more thing, if someone spat in your face, how would you react?
posted by jlh0837 at 03:12 PM on November 03, 2009
no he didnt keep it on his face.... he wiped it off and then the very next play was when he smeared it on Ealey's face. look at the footage.
posted by jlh0837 at 09:23 AM on November 03, 2009
ok let's get one thing straight. Ealey is fine, if spikes wanted to gouge his eyes out he had plenty of time to do so. but what i found out was that on the previous play Ealey spit in his face, and all Spikes did was wipe off the spit and was trying to smear it on Ealey's face. he wasnt trying to gouge out his eyes. he was simply taking Ealey's spit and giving it back. if you look at the footage, spikes had his hand inside ealey's facemask for quite a long time, it wouldn't take all that much effort to poke him in the eyes. so i guess next time he should have showed his "Georgia Sportsmanship" and spit back in Ealey's face.
posted by jlh0837 at 07:20 AM on November 03, 2009
well put wfrazerjr
posted by jlh0837 at 11:49 AM on May 14, 2009
looks like plaxico was right on when he said their defense would hold the mighty pats to only 17 points. amazing game.
posted by jlh0837 at 09:31 PM on February 03, 2008
ksb122, i agree mcfadden had a great year, but they lost more times than florida this year, 4 to 3 plus, tebow put op great numbers in every game he played in this year, mcfadden had a few off games... 43 yards at auburn, and only 61 at the might powerhouse of florida international. plus when you look at the difference in td's put up by each... tebow destroys mcfadden. all in all the right person won the award.
posted by jlh0837 at 09:04 AM on December 09, 2007
urall cloolis.. i dont care what you do or what you have done.. and being that you have met him once.. i guess that makes you the most knowledgeable person when it comes to who sean taylor was acquainted with. and now that i know you are a college educated business owner in the sports industry, i can see where you came up with this outstanding proposal of a sporting challenge. you really are an idiot, and by the way, the wall is way more educated. i dont see him coming up with crazy ideas.
posted by jlh0837 at 10:22 AM on December 02, 2007
and as for urall cloolis.. how in any way that by being a better athlete than me makes any sense over the death of sean taylor. you really are an idiot. so if i was to come over to your trailer park and kick your ass.. would that make my point anymore... how on earth can you be this moronic?
posted by jlh0837 at 09:34 AM on December 02, 2007
backpedaling? all i said was that he was still hanging out with the wrong people. nowhere did i say he invited his own death. i do believe that he increased his chances of something bad happening because of who he was acquainted with. just like if i was to be hanging out with people that had drug convictions... the likelyhood of something shady happening around me would increase. i dont think he invited his own death, i just think that he didnt change enough of his life to better his chances of something bad happening. and yes i know that he had turned his life around from what had happened in his past, just that i think he needed to separate a little more from quote.. unquote.. thug type people. and nobody has to agree with what i am saying.. i am merely stating my opinion... if you dont like it... so what. i thought thats what these posts were for. i never thought that people would become so ignorant over my opinion.
posted by jlh0837 at 09:30 AM on December 02, 2007
urall cloolis .. you have to be the stupidest person in the world. does anything you say make any sense? a sporting challenge? well that will just change evertyhing...and i am dying to know... how did you come up with 5,000 dollar amount? you really need some help dude. and by the way i never said that he invited his own death.. all i said was he was still hanging out with people he shouldnt have. just like the miami herald reported. is it really going to make a difference to beat your ass in a few sporting games.. you really are a moron.. you should just shut up, because everytime you open that big fat mouth, the people are around you all become a little dumber.
posted by jlh0837 at 08:47 AM on December 02, 2007
NFL Won't Let Ochocinco Wear Henry's No. 15 Jersey
boo hoo... who cares, just another athlete crying out... let's win one for the dead idiot. chris henry obviously had his issues. it's hard to show compassion for someone that threatens to kill themself and then goes through with it. other than to his immediate family, he will be forgotten by the end of next week.