CFL Pick 'Em, Week 18: Two weeks left and I still have no idea what's going to happen. Maybe you do. Make your picks inside.
posted by DrJohnEvans to fantasy at 06:31 PM - 10 comments
British Columbia by 8
Hamilton by 15
Toronto by 6
Edmonton by 7
posted by tommybiden at 04:25 AM on October 25, 2012
BC by 10
Hamilton by 2
Saskatchewan by 21
Montreal by 13
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 07:22 AM on October 25, 2012
Calgary by 7
Hamilton by 4
Saskatchewan by 9
Edmonton by 14
posted by DrJohnEvans at 09:44 AM on October 25, 2012
Calgary by 5
Winnipeg by 5
Saskatchewan by 5
Edmonton by 5
posted by bender at 07:14 PM on October 25, 2012
Calgary by 9
Winnipeg by 16
Saskatchewan by 11
Montreal by 7
posted by MrFrisby at 06:59 AM on October 26, 2012
BC by 3, Winn by 6, Sask by 10 and Mtl by 6
posted by JPR at 03:29 PM on October 26, 2012
Calgary by 4
Hamilton by 7
Saskatchewan by 8
Montreal by 3
posted by Reever at 03:31 PM on October 26, 2012
When I entered this year's version of the CFL Pick-em, the little voices in my head said, "Don't do it! This will not end well." My psychiatrist told me to ignore the voices; my bartender told me to drink heavily and they would go away. I listened to my bartender, the voices did not go away, but their speech became slurred. The voices were right, it is not ending well unless we have some sort of miracle (or to put it into terms of the US presidential election, an October surprise). Ever optimistic, I'm out on the stump again, hoping that the CFL electorate will listen to my message.
BC at Calgary: Winner, winner, chicken dinner says the ESPN announcer. Are these 2 teams to fight over a dinner check? Calgary wants the steak, while BC would prefer some fresh salmon. I'll compromise and have the surf-and-turf. As far as the game goes, I'll make Calgary a rude host who'll force BC to grab for the plastic. Leave a generous tip, Lions. Calgary by 8.
Winnipeg at Hamilton: As Dr. J has written, the winner has to continue to win out, while the loser grumbles about the unfairness of it all. It won't matter in any case, as Edmonton will not lose both remaining games (see below). While this will be a hard-fought affair, the efforts will be in vain. Like I used to tell my son on long car trips, "You should have gone before we left the house." So to Winnipeg and Hamilton I say, "You should have won a little more before you got to this point." Cat lover that I am, Tiger Cats will prevail by 12.
Toronto at Saskatchewan: The Rough Riders are at home for this one, so post-season travel notwithstanding, they will try to win this one. Toronto has fallen apart of late. Are they trying to stand in for the Maple Leafs while the NHL is locked out? The futility will continue for Argonauts. Saskatchewan by 5.
Edmonton at Montreal: Eskimos are trying to survive as global warming melts the ice around them. It's almost sink or swim time. Meanwhile, the Larks have feathered their nest and are waiting for the serious business of the post-season to begin. Montreal will rest some key players, much to the disappointment of the home crowd, while Edmonton goes all out. Edmonton by 9.
posted by Howard_T at 03:55 PM on October 26, 2012
cow pokers by 2
pegers by a field goal
ugh, riderville by 8. See, cats lose earlier in day so TO can rest easier, yet tune up some.
birds prevail by 4
posted by argoal at 05:06 PM on October 26, 2012
Winnipeg pulls a fast one to prevent the Argos from climbing the playoff rungs. B.C. holds court at home to clinch the division. Montreal gets the job done on the road in Regina, and Calgary hangs on in the snow to clinch a home playoff date.
bender keeps pace with a five-point lead, but YYM logs a big seven-point week to jump into the top three.
It's time to separate the league into two new divisions: clinched and unclinched. Make your picks accordingly.
B.C. @ Calgary (Friday, October 26)
Send in the scrubs! Both B.C. and Calgary have clinched first and second respectively. Tough to imagine the starters getting too many reps, so who knows how this one turns out.
Winnipeg @ Hamilton (Saturday, October 27)
Well, this is embarrassing. Either one of these teams needs to win out (and hope that Edmonton loses out) in order to avoid a crossover elimination. Should be a feisty battle.
Toronto @ Saskatchewan (Saturday, October 27)
Saskatchewan has clinched a playoff berth, but needs another win to avoid having to travel out East. Meanwhile, Toronto can't be as bad as they've looked the past three weeks. Can they?
Edmonton @ Montreal (Saturday, October 28)
Montreal is sitting pretty as division champion and Edmonton is clawing their way into the playoffs. You do the math.
Good luck!