November 12, 2009

CFL Pick 'Em, Final Standings: It takes until the final week of the season, but we have a winner. It takes some Grade 10 math, but we also have a Costanza winner.

posted by DrJohnEvans to fantasy at 10:18 AM - 8 comments

Casey gets hurt and Arkee runs away with an Edmonton victory over the Lions. Toronto offers no surprises to close out their 3-win season. Saskatchewan comes on strong at home to clinch the team's first division title since the Stone Age. And it's Bad Michael Bishop who shows up on Sunday and can't get anything going against the Tiger-Cats, as Winnipeg is eliminated by the cross-over.

ResultEdmonton by 32Montreal by 25Saskatchewan by 16Hamilton by 22
Margin of Error22 to 4218 to 3311 to 2115 to 29

In one of the more dramatic finishes we've seen, MrFrisby caps his comeback by picking all four winners and hitting the Montreal margin for good measure. Congratulations, MrFrisby! And a hearty "Well fought" is due to j5v.

SpoFiteTOR @ EDMSSSK @ HAMSCGY @ BCSWPG @ MTLSPointsTotal Points
MrFrisbyEdmonton Montreal18Saskatchewan Hamilton 567
j5v Montreal Hamilton 264
apochEdmonton Montreal Saskatchewan Hamilton 459
DrJohnEvans Montreal21Saskatchewan Hamilton 457
tommytrump Montreal26 Hamilton26457
rahilsuleman Montreal Hamilton20356
Reever Montreal Saskatchewan 253
owlhouseEdmonton Montreal20 352
Schultzie Montreal Saskatchewan Hamilton 352
SpitztengleEdmonton Montreal21Saskatchewan Hamilton 551
argoal Montreal Saskatchewan Hamilton 350
JPR Montreal Hamilton 250
MaveEdmonton Montreal Hamilton 346
Ying Yang Mafia Montreal24Saskatchewan13Hamilton 542
BoKnows 029

At the other end of the table, the standings were close. BoKnows had fewer actual points than Ying Yang Mafia, but had only played 12 weeks to YYM's 18. Those numbers were close enough to give us our first ever CFL Costanza Run-off!

Okay, it's not actually a run-off. I just calculated the average points scored in the week(s) that each player missed, and added them to their total. This gives us the best guess at what the scores would've been had they picked every week.

Based on actual math, the Costanza goes to a very deserving Ying Yang Mafia. Congratulations!

SpoFiteActual ScoreWeeks MissedProjected Score
Ying Yang Mafia42145

Thank you to everyone for playing this season, and for lending even more excitement to those long, cold, Canadian summers. (Especially for the three Argonauts season ticket holders in this Pick 'Em who, after the first quarter, would frequently have nothing left to cheer for except the spread.)

Special thanks to Spitztengle for posting every week not only Chris Schultz's picks, but also the point spreads!

Thanks, and keep an eye out for the playoffs pick 'em, coming to a Locker Room near you!

posted by DrJohnEvans at 10:19 AM on November 12, 2009

Thanks again, another great year DJE.

posted by apoch at 10:36 AM on November 12, 2009

Thanks, DrJ.

posted by tommybiden at 11:46 AM on November 12, 2009

Thanks Dr John.

Still not the worst! Still not the worst!

posted by owlhouse at 03:38 PM on November 12, 2009

Let me join the chorus of those singing songs of thanks to you, DJE ... this pick 'em pool rocks!

Hats to you, MrFrisby, for neckin' it out in the final sprint ... and to first-timer j5v ... well done to push it so hard to the end.

owlhouse, you crack me up ... I've got more mileage out of some of your joke stories this year than runningbacks had yardage!


posted by Spitztengle at 06:20 PM on November 12, 2009

Is this the second year in a row MrFrisby has won? I call shenanigans.

posted by apoch at 09:05 PM on November 12, 2009

Thanks for your efforts and dedication, DJE. It was a crazy season with B.C. not always being a lock to win and Hamilton not being a lock to lose.

While it is the second time that I won, they were not consecutive. I stunk up the joint last year. So yeah, hooray for me and...

posted by MrFrisby at 04:02 AM on November 13, 2009

Wow, after generally having success in the CFL Pick 'Em this season was brutal. Five points is probably close to the most I've scored all season. Congrats to MrFrisby and thanks DJE. This first Constanza was well earned.

Now if only I'd actually win something.

posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 04:26 AM on November 13, 2009

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