Fan Ejected From Yankee Stadium For Bathroom Break During 'God Bless America': The no movement rule has been in place since 9/11, much like the playing of the song.
When nature calls... You better answer. Otherwise you'll be lookin' like a damn fool in front of everyone at Yankee Stadium.
posted by docshredder at 12:46 AM on September 03, 2008
I find it very ironic when people's rights are taken away during songs that are supposed to be about celebrating what a "free" country this is supposed to be.I guess the pursuit of happiness doesnt include being able to relieve yourself until so sappy song is over.what a joke.nobody will have to worry about this stupidity in the playoffs,cause finally the yankees wont be there.
posted by mars1 at 01:39 AM on September 03, 2008
All I can say is, if He's listening, God, please do bless America. Save it from its evil ways.
posted by Spitztengle at 02:01 AM on September 03, 2008
She ain't listening. She prefers watching European football.
posted by owlhouse at 02:32 AM on September 03, 2008
A wise man once said "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
Seems we have lost commen sense as well.
Next thing you know they will try to stop you from getting a beer during the 7th inning stretch.
posted by jda at 02:53 AM on September 03, 2008
The NYPD told CBS 2 a different version of the story, however, saying in a statement:
"The officers observed a male standing on his seat, cursing, using inappropriate language and acting in a disorderly manner while reeking of alcohol, and decided to eject him rather than subject others to his offensive behavior.
As always, more than one side to a story...
posted by firecop at 07:54 AM on September 03, 2008
Yeah firecop, but it sounds like a C-Y-A statement from NYPD. No way to really know what happened. If it went down the way Campeau-Laurion says it did, then I hope this kind of shit doesn't start happening more frequently.
posted by curlyelk at 08:18 AM on September 03, 2008
Just to play devil's advocate: If what Campeau-Laurion says is true, then this is ridiculous. However, the fact that the police have a completely different story and he's not sure whether he's going to pursue legal action makes it seem a little fishy to me.
posted by srw12 at 09:24 AM on September 03, 2008
Well, if you wet your pants standing at your seat at Yankee Stadium, it wouldn't get a ton of attention. A minor problem given the other things that go on there.
It would be like a car alarm going off in a parking lot. People don't care if there's a thief. They just want it turned off.
I'm thinking, maybe bring the God Bless America crowd control scheme to the Jets home games, cops and all. They could try it out on the "show us your tits" crowd that convenes regularly over there.
posted by beaverboard at 09:59 AM on September 03, 2008
However, the fact that the police have a completely different story and he's not sure whether he's going to pursue legal action makes it seem a little fishy to me.
Or maybe the cops know that they fucked up and are doing their best to make this guy out to be some sort of criminal they just had to apprehend. It wouldn't be the first or last time that the NYPD embellished the facts in order to make themselves out to be "just doing their jobs."
According to the gentleman that has season tickets and was right next to Campeau-Laurion when this incident occurred, the cops are full of shit and for some strange reason, I am not surprised.
posted by BornIcon at 12:44 PM on September 03, 2008
Or maybe the cops know that they fucked up and are doing their best to make this guy out to be some sort of criminal they just had to apprehend. It wouldn't be the first or last time that the NYPD embellished the facts in order to make themselves out to be "just doing their jobs."
Or maybe the guy was acting like a drunken asshat and when he got arrested made up the whole story figuring he could get off on this, or get in the news, or potentially get some un-deserved money out of it via a lawsuit.
Wouldn't be the first or last time that happened either.
The question is...if either is possible, why do you automatically assume the other is more credible?
posted by bdaddy at 04:05 PM on September 03, 2008
I think the song needs to be changed to "God help America".
Given the general asshat behaviour of a lot of police, I am more inclined to believe the season ticket holder over those fucktards trying to justify their continued existence, when they need to be sentenced to 3 hours W.O.O. (And if you know that reference, kudos:))
posted by Drood at 05:05 PM on September 03, 2008
bdaddy: The question is...if either is possible, why do you automatically assume the other is more credible?First, it turns out there is a "no movement" rule that has been in place for a while. Which is complete bullshit, but it lends credence to his suggestion the police enforced this rule... too aggressively. If there was no such rule, it'd be harder to believe he ran across two jack-booted thugs who decided to attack him for his vague Frenchness.
Second, I think the police are far more likely to lie because they have more to lose: this guy, if the police are telling the truth, has no reason to lie and make a big to-do if all he got was ejected. If the cops are telling the truth, why did this guy even make this into a news item? Lots of people get ejected from stadiums, they usually just quietly leave, or pay a fine depending on their particular offense.
Meaning, it's easier to believe the cops would make up an embellishment after the fact in the hopes that their entirely believable fuck up would not become an ACLU lawsuit, than that some random schmoe would concoct this story out of thin air for no reason, on a matter that was dead until he revived it. If this Bradford Campeau-Laurion was simply ejected, then he'd probably let the matter drop and there's no story there. He has no incentive to manufacture a story as he is not wronged beyond being ejected- if he was ejected for being drunk. It's far less likely he invents a story out of whole cloth when the most likely reaction if he was drunk and disorderly is to simply laugh about it as an anecdote his friends share: "Aw, man, you shoulda seen Brad at the friggin' Yanks game, man. He got SOOO wasted, the cops kicked him out during God Bless America, man- it was friggin' hilarious!!!!"
Whereas, if his story is true, and the cops as they are fond of doing abuse their power, internalize an us/them mentality, and kick out someone for being "un-American"... well, they have all the incentive in the world to make up that he was drunk, and loud, etc. Police do this all the time with protesters or other "undesirables"; filming a cop breaking the law becomes "interfering with the police". Asking a question becomes "resisting arrest". All cops are presumed assholes until proven innocent.
Do you see the disparity there? He has no likely reason to perpetuate a dead matter- pay a fine, tell the story to your friends- while the NYPD has a very clear reason to say that oh, no, that's not what happened.
posted by hincandenza at 06:46 PM on September 03, 2008
Yeah, Hal, I remember when NY's finest arrested all of these rioting RNC protesters. One of the cops testified at trial about how they had to arrest one of the protesters for inciting a riot and carry him away. Then the videotape appeared showing none of that. The prosecutors had to drop charges against almost everyone after the videotapes were reviewed.
posted by bperk at 08:24 PM on September 03, 2008
"God Bless America" is nauseating; I'm surprised the dude didn't vomit on the cops, who are idiots to endanger a plum rotation by playing so tough at the ballpark.
George Washington blessed us enough. Who the hell needs God?
posted by Hugh Janus at 08:32 PM on September 03, 2008
He got what he deserved. He should have taken a leak b-4 the game was to get started.
posted by hubbsy at 08:38 PM on September 03, 2008
At least Yankee fans can stand.
posted by BoKnows at 09:40 PM on September 03, 2008
Enough is enough with this God Bless America. I see people not putting their hands over their hearts for the national anthem but doing it for God Bless America. Don't get me wrong here, its a nice song but thats all it is. It's not our national anthem and does not deserve the same respect. If we give it the same respect as the national anthem then maybe we should do the same for "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". It's just another mistake by the NYPD. Thankfully it happened to a Yankee Fan and not a Boston fan. Only 79 years until the Yankees win it again!
posted by sox1903 at 10:07 PM on September 03, 2008
God Bless America is not the national anthem, and if you stand for it, take off your hat for it, put your hand over your heart for it, or otherwise act as you would/should act for the national anthem, then you're disrespcting the national anthem.
sox1066, all that haterade is gonna give you diabetes, son; better eat some All-Bran and get right with God, or at least with your lower GI tract.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 11:05 PM on September 03, 2008
The question is...if either is possible, why do you automatically assume the other is more credible?
So why do you assume that it isn't possible that these cops just over-reacted and proved once again that a few bad apples can spoil the bunch?
Anything is possible but from what's being said, these cops threw this guy out not for "acting like a drunken asshat" but for trying to drain the ol' lizard during God Bless America.
posted by BornIcon at 07:51 AM on September 04, 2008
The fan is fortunate. If he not only had a French name but was also originally from Port Au Prince and reached for a cell phone in his pocket when he encountered the cops, he'd be in a drawer in the morgue right now. Or have a busted broomstick up his ass in the latrine at the precinct HQ.
posted by beaverboard at 08:48 AM on September 04, 2008
It is a sad day in America when a man/woman can not relieve themselves in fear of retribution from the police. What happened to our Constitutional Rights and/or so called "freedoms"? Oh yeah, The Patriot Act.
posted by rototiller at 11:32 AM on September 04, 2008
Well, I'm a consistent administration basher, but I don't think the Patriot Act can be blamed for what appears to be the overzealous actions of a few misguided cops. The PA is a turd, and sometimes cops get too big for their britches, but they are mutually exclusive in this case. There's plenty of asshattery to hate, keep 'em separate and enjoy!
posted by tahoemoj at 01:09 PM on September 04, 2008
These words in the linked article scare me:
During the patriotic 7th inning stretch at Yankee Stadium, [snip] he tried to leave his seat during the traditional singing of God Bless America
The Ministry of Truth is cooking up new traditions.
posted by qbert72 at 12:25 AM on September 08, 2008
All I can say is I'm tired of hearing that song and/or Lee Greenwood's atrocious "Proud To Be An American" when I'm at the ballpark. "The Star Spangled Banner" and "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" should be it. Period.