"What's up with the Cup?": A brief history of a fine piece of silver.
posted by tommytrump to hockey at 11:55 PM - 13 comments
The cup is an awesome awesome trophy. I think It has more history and past than any trophy is sport. I have had the honor of drinking from it in 1992 when the Pens won their second. That was a moment I will NEVER forget. Just to hold it was amazing. I still have the pictures of it on my mirror in my bedroom. IT will be back here in pittsburgh soon.
posted by Debo270 at 07:49 AM on June 05, 2007
obligatory link to gspm's definitive column
posted by garfield at 08:39 AM on June 05, 2007
NHL rocks! Too bad the Senators can't keep up with the Ducks.
posted by rob4698 at 10:00 AM on June 05, 2007
Neat link. I think I need to get the job of a Keeper of the Cup. At least I could get out of this office.
posted by THX-1138 at 11:22 AM on June 05, 2007
Great article indeed. Thanks! Rumor was in 1940 the Rangers burned the lease to MSG in the cup bringing on the 54 year drought and curse. Thank God we were able to break the curse in 94...let's hope we get it back soon!
posted by NYRBeeker16 at 01:06 PM on June 05, 2007
Wow, The Cup has led a far more interesting life than I. Depressing. Cool read, though. Thanks Tommy.
posted by cybermac at 03:16 PM on June 05, 2007
Does anyone know for sure if there are two Stanley Cups? The one the players get, and one the fans see at malls or arenas around the league. Sometimes you will see it (the fake one) in a mall and you can have your picture taken while touching, hugging or even kissing it. Other times, especially during the playoffs, it will show up in and you can't get within 20 feet and there are guards around it.(the real one)
posted by GOD at 06:53 PM on June 05, 2007
Does anyone know for sure if there are two Stanley Cups? The one the players get, and one the fans see at malls or arenas around the league. I don't know if I'd say ''fake'' but in fact, there are 3 Stanley Cups. The original, which never leaves the Hockey Hall of Fame because it has become too brittle. There are two duplicates. The first duplicate was made in 1963, it is the one awarded to teams and used for promotional purposes. The second duplicate is used for display purposes in the Hall when the playoff cup is travelling. Stanley is kind of like Santa Claus, he's everywhere!
posted by tommybiden at 07:31 PM on June 05, 2007
God knows it's hard to keep up with all these cups -- they runneth all over.
posted by The Crafty Sousepaw at 08:13 PM on June 05, 2007
The original, which never leaves the Hockey Hall of Fame because it has become too brittle. There are two duplicates. The first duplicate was made in 1963, it is the one awarded to teams and used for promotional purposes. The second duplicate is used for display purposes in the Hall when the playoff cup is travelling. Why does the second duplicate need to be on display if the original never leaves the hall? Is the original not on display?
posted by bobfoot at 09:06 PM on June 05, 2007
Sorry bobfoot, there are 2.5 Stanley Cups. There is the original bowl, and two duplicate complete Cups. The original bowl is on display as is one of the complete duplicates. This information is all from Wikipedia, but is accurate as far as I know.
posted by tommybiden at 09:27 PM on June 05, 2007
obligatory link to gspm's definitive column I read that when I first joined Spofi. It was too late to comment, but great stuff, gspm. That was also a good link, tt. I never tire of reading/hearing about The Stanley Cup. As far as I am concerned, it is the greatest trophy in sports. I cry like a baby whenever I see it awarded, no matter who wins it.
posted by MrFrisby at 09:57 PM on June 05, 2007
Very interesting link tommy, I never would have guessed half of those things that cup has been through. I am not sure if I could do anything but just sit and hold it for my 24 hours. Good thing I'll never have to worry about that.