Suspensions Handed Out: In lieu of the largest mayham since the Palace in 2004, 6 players got suspended for their roles in an intense fight. Carmelo Anthony got harshest penalty, and will serve 15 games for his actions.
posted by chemwizBsquared to basketball at 12:59 PM - 54 comments
Well, they didn't punch out any fans.
posted by apoch at 01:27 PM on December 18, 2006
Those seem about right. Geezus, but it's gotta be hard to be a Knicks fan these days.
posted by chicobangs at 02:05 PM on December 18, 2006
15 games? That's way longer than a five minute major.
posted by tron7 at 02:28 PM on December 18, 2006
Can it be arranged to have the rest of the Knicks suspended as well?
posted by ajaffe at 02:39 PM on December 18, 2006
Can I get a mayham on rye with some horseradish on the side? Actually, given the Knicks were involved, make it knock ... wurst?
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:01 PM on December 18, 2006
Knickwurst, mayhaps. Or maybe Brat Wurst. Whichever.
posted by chicobangs at 04:39 PM on December 18, 2006
It seems Carmelo was somewhat regretful of his actions. I agree with you, ajaffe. Let's suspend the whole Knicks team along with some Pistons and a few other players to be named at a later date.
posted by cobrajet at 04:43 PM on December 18, 2006
NBA seems to be going the way of the WWF. Way to much drama for a sporting event.
posted by BamaClass at 04:45 PM on December 18, 2006
NBA seems to be going the way of the WWF. Way to much drama for a sporting event. Just curious, what does the World Wildlife Fund have to do with this?
posted by tommybiden at 04:58 PM on December 18, 2006
Let's suspend the whole Knicks team along with some Pistons and a few other players to be named at a later date. How does suspending Pistons' players tie into all of this?
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 05:17 PM on December 18, 2006
Ying Yang - it was just a little levity. Would it have been better if I said The Pacers? Or maybe the Lakers? (even though Shaq isn't with the Lakers anymore.) Or (insert your favorite brawling team of the month here)
posted by cobrajet at 05:35 PM on December 18, 2006
I still can't believe that Thomas was not suspended at all. At least maybe the Nickels will fire him. He has disgraced the organization for way too long. George Karl was hilarious and on the spot in his press conference, which included him calling Thomas a jerk and an asshole at least a half dozen times. Truer words may have never been spoken. And NO, I am not a Nuggets fan at all. In fact I used to be a Knicks fan until Thomas ruined the team. I think Stern didn't get this one correct. I think that Robinson should have gotten the biggest suspension. He swung two or three times before Melo struck. He just didn't connect on his wild swings. Collins also should have gotten more time. He was the instigator (along with Thomas). It was also the second consecutive game he made a fragrant foul/cheap shot out of frustration, or orders from the A-Hole himself, in the last two minutes of an ass kicking. Robinson has no place to worry about being showed up, as he has done the same thing himself last year. In fact after he missed a self-alley oop in one game he said "I guess I will only try that again if we are up by 20". What a bunch of hypocites. In the words of George Karl, what a bunch of a-holes. Hopefully the Knicks will wise up and fire Thomas and end the embarrassments he has created. In the meantime I hope every team the Nickels play run up the score whenever the chance happens (twice a week at this rate).
posted by urall cloolis at 06:42 PM on December 18, 2006
If zeek is worried about other teams disrepectfully running up the score on the Knickerbockers, maybe he should teach them how to defend and score points rather than save their pride with flagrant fouls.
posted by Bill Lumbergh at 07:41 PM on December 18, 2006
I think 'Melo should put on dress for cold-cocking someone and then back-peddling faster than George Bush. And I'll second the flagrant foul on the entire Knicks dis-organization. What a joke. Sad to see this proud franchise fallen so low.
posted by sfts2 at 08:07 PM on December 18, 2006
Regarding Melo's apology: I just realized one of my biggest dreams when we opened the Youth Center in Baltimore that bares my name. I think the statement, as written, sez it all....
posted by tglenn29 at 08:25 PM on December 18, 2006
Melo's "punch" looked more like a slap. I'd think it would be more emasculating to the one throwing that than to be the one receiving.
posted by igottheblues at 11:59 PM on December 18, 2006
They took "Mellow's pot away from him and look how violent he becomes.He needs a few games to go home,light one up,and,"Mellow" out.
posted by Tubby Fan at 12:38 AM on December 19, 2006
lMaybe Melo should due some time in the slammer for A&B. What does everyone think? It is extremely apparent that he is a big coward to hit and run especially after the fact when everything was settling down. Why doesn't the league president just put the gloves on these two and make them go 10 rounds and then see how they want to still fight on the court. 15 days isn't enough when you remember Kermit Washington got a year off for hitting Rudy T even through Rudy was the one coming into the fight. I was there that night and saw the whole thing from start to finish. It wasn't a pretty site, but the only thing Kermit did was try to protect himself from someone coming in from behind him. It looks like the NBA should now stand for NATIONAL BOXING ASS. Is it going to be more of the same as the tempers start to come into play more and more this season and then we have the playoffs. Maybe the Boxoffs are more to the point. I think everyone is really had it with all these premadonnas, just a bunch of spoil rich kids doing what they want and acting out whatever comes into there simple little headsl. In the sixties when Elgin and Jerry came to LA, basketball was fun to watch, especially those two. Fighting in the NBA was unheard of, sure there were enforcers on every team, the Lakers had Rudy LaRusso and Elgin himself. There was anyone in the NBA that would start something with Elgin, partly because of his demeanor and mainly because he was considered one of the hardest and strongest forwards in all basketball. How many 6'5" 235 guys you know can average over a thousand rebounds a year, 38 points in a league were he was considered small and with guys like Wilt, Nat T, Walter Bellamy, Wes Upseld big men to say the least. None of them wanted any piece of Elgin. And at least these men would hit you from the front and come in like some coward and sucker punch you.
posted by ucla512 at 12:52 AM on December 19, 2006
Time in the slammer? For one punch? Seriously? What are you, a Texas judge? You've obviously never lost your temper and done something stupid in the heat of the moment. I don't know who "Wes Upseld" was, but none of the people you ranted about had anything to do with what happened last weekend.
posted by chicobangs at 07:46 AM on December 19, 2006
Maybe Melo should due some time in the slammer for A&B. What does everyone think? I think I'm a lot less annoyed by a fight on the floor in an NBA game than by some of the posturing in this thread.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:51 AM on December 19, 2006
OK! lets make a deal. I promise not to go to 15 Games if I can knockout anyone I want! Where are the cops?????? Please!!! If I knocked out some one on the public courts for a flagrent foul against my team mate I would be in jail, talkin' to fat man named Phil, right now. Justice??????? Punishment!?!?!?!?!?!?! Think again!!!!!!!!
posted by mitchell at 07:58 AM on December 19, 2006
Just because the knicks can only hypothetically ever be up on a team 20 points doesn't mean that Isiah wouldn't do what the Nuggets did. If a team is prone to blow 20 point leads late in the 4th Qrt like Nuggets have done this year why wouldn't he keep a security blanket of 2 starters in? Wasn't like Mello was drilling 3s, plus the guy got a steal, what is he suppose to do stop? No, you are up by 20 you do a 360 Jam.. it is what the fans paid to see. I think the suspensions were just except for Isiah, in the NCAA they suspend coaches that give orders to foul hard (Temple) so the NBA should do the same. This isn't the "Bad Boys" they are the Knicks who couldn't beat a fly if the fly had both wings tied behind its back
posted by warstda at 08:12 AM on December 19, 2006
I cant believe I avtually spent time on that comment!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by mitchell at 08:25 AM on December 19, 2006
Warstd I meant "you" and I think you know that!
posted by mitchell at 08:27 AM on December 19, 2006
go on prosecute me for my key missplacement.
posted by mitchell at 08:29 AM on December 19, 2006
The brawl was bad and stupid, but Thomas's behavior has been worse. He keeps reiterating that the Nuggets were running up the score, even though all the facts are against him. The Nuggets blow lots of leads. Thomas should know that and if the Knicks had really given up, then that is a huge problem. If the Knicks hadn't given up, then why should the Nuggets have stopped playing and risk losing their lead? Furthermore, Thomas has great difficulty running his own team, he certainly isn't in a position to advise others how they should play or coach.
posted by bperk at 08:29 AM on December 19, 2006
Mitchell, I think you mean persecute, and were I to persecute you for anything it would be over-punctuation.
posted by hawkguy at 08:40 AM on December 19, 2006
everyone knows Carmelo is a criminal, in all senses of the word! Who will disagree?
posted by mitchell at 08:40 AM on December 19, 2006
Since I teach English, I thank you Hawkguy.
posted by mitchell at 08:42 AM on December 19, 2006
Since I teach English That may explain a lot of things around here, mitchell.
posted by mjkredliner at 08:52 AM on December 19, 2006
Is it Haiku time? YAY!! On the hard wood floor Madison Square Garden fight Sucker punch not nice.
posted by SummersEve at 08:55 AM on December 19, 2006
whoah! mcjerkliner only 2 things come out of Texas Steers and ....... And I ain't either....I teach English in Korea! Be cool!!!!!!!
posted by mitchell at 09:04 AM on December 19, 2006
summerseve.....nice catch Merry Christmas
posted by mitchell at 09:08 AM on December 19, 2006
This is just to say I have read the comments that are in this thread and which you were probably quite proud of Forgive me they were awful so misspelt and so ignorant
posted by yerfatma at 09:09 AM on December 19, 2006
Just noting that, for an English teacher, your own use of the written form of it seems haphazard at best. Happy Holidays.
posted by mjkredliner at 09:09 AM on December 19, 2006
I don't know who "Wes Upseld" was, but none of the people you ranted about had anything to do with what happened last weekend. Nicely put, Chico. Does anyone really believe that this fight has anything to do with the Malice at the Palace, or any other fight that has ever gone down in the NBA? I know David Stern has to come down hard, but 15 games for Melo (even though he threw a punch that connected) seems a little over-the-top. When a guy like Collins has two incidents in two games, I think he should be the one punished the most. Side-Note: I totally agree that Melo completely embarrassed himself by throwing a punch (that looked more like a slap) and then running away. But, the guy he hit certainly didn't help his masculinity after the way he collapsed.
posted by sublime4390116 at 09:15 AM on December 19, 2006
I don't really remember a time when David Stern wasn't the head of the NBA, but apparently, he took over the league at a time when it had a very rough reputation. The shadow of the Kermit Washington/Rudy Tomjanovich incident was still fairly fresh in everyone's minds, and the league had very little network TV presence. (I'm imagining something like the NHL's situation now.) After the Malice at the Palace, I think he saw a glimpse of the NBA's ugly past, and decided he was going to nip that kind of undisciplined thuggery in the bud. Which is why Artest sat for a year, and why when another incident happened, he made sure his decision sent a message, to the fans at least as much as the players, that this kind of crap will not be tolerated. That's why Carmelo got 15 games for one punch, and why the next brawl will bring even stiffer penalties. Especially with hockey phasing out fighting so completely, Stern does not want the NBA to become known as the place to get your aggro tendencies on. That stuff drives the families away, which is where the big money is.
posted by chicobangs at 09:38 AM on December 19, 2006
I changed my mind on Carmelo Anthony’s punch. He did not sucker punch anybody. He was face to face with his victim who was looking right at him. However, he still ran away like a little girl after he threw the punch. == I’ve heard some commentators defend Melo’s punch by saying, in effect, a man has to be a man, and if he is disrespected, he should throw down. Even assuming we are dealing with Neanderthals, this argument makes no sense. Melo is a professional basketball player. By “protecting his manhood” or “defending his teammate” by throwing a punch, Melo knew he would be suspended. As it turns out, he will miss 15 games. What is more important, whipping out your unit and showing how big it is, or winning basketball games? If you chose the former, congratulations. Everyone will know you have a big penis and swinging balls. You are also a loser as you sit out games in which you could be participating. If you chose the latter, you are a winner. You keep the size of your unit private, as it should be, and you continue to help your team win games. To quote The Geto Boys, “Real gangsta ass niggas don’t flex nuts, ‘cause real gangsta ass niggas know they got ‘em.” ===== I do not understand three aspects of David Stern’s suspensions. First, what did Nugget J.R. Smith do to warrant a ten game suspension? He was the victim. He was fouled hard and knocked to the ground on a layup my Mardy Collins. Smith instinctively jumped up and approached Collins. Yes, he was mad, but he did not throw a punch or otherwise touch Collins. Then Knick Nate Robinsons tackled him and they ended up in the front row of seats. Second, why were both teams fined the same amount? The Knicks started it on orders of their coach. Third, why was Isiah Thomas not punished at all? He can be seen on tape warning Melo not to go in the paint just before the fight started. He inserted Mardy Collins, the last guy on the bench, who then committed assault on J.R. Smith going up for a dunk. David Stern is not stupid, so I have no idea what his motivation is for letting Thomas off the hook.
posted by BlueCarp at 10:30 AM on December 19, 2006
I totally agree that Melo completely embarrassed himself by throwing a punch (that looked more like a slap) and then running away. But, the guy he hit certainly didn't help his masculinity after the way he collapsed. watch the video! The guy he hit was being pulled back by one of the suits and actually tripped over someone on the floor behind him! He IMMEDIATELY GOT UP! That punch must of really done alot of damage eh? Melo is the pusss...hit and run..the damage done to his reputation is far worse than a fine or missed games. See if his jersey sales go up..i doubt it.
posted by bluekarma at 10:39 AM on December 19, 2006
Forgive me they were awful so misspelt and so ignorant Delicious. So sweet, and so cold.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 10:48 AM on December 19, 2006
I changed my mind on Carmelo Anthony’s punch. He did not sucker punch anybody. He was face to face with his victim who was looking right at him. However, he still ran away like a little girl after he threw the punch. A lot of people said that Carmelo shouldn't have ran away. I don't think he ran away, he backed up. I missed the rule that said after hitting someone you must remain in the same spot so that they can hit you back. Sounds smart to me, back away, don't get hit. Anyway, it was unlikely that Collins was going to swing back since he was laying on the floor.
posted by bperk at 11:01 AM on December 19, 2006
I missed the rule that said after hitting someone you must remain in the same spot so that they can hit you back. Growing Up Irish, page 2245. There's additional commentary in the errata.
posted by yerfatma at 12:21 PM on December 19, 2006
It looks like the NBA should now stand for NATIONAL BOXING ASS. Boxing gloves On the ass Alas.
posted by Venicemenace at 01:22 PM on December 19, 2006
I don't know who "Wes Upseld" I think ucla meant Wes Unseld, chico, but you would've thought that he knew that since he did say that "In the was fun to watch". I'm sure someone would've caught that eventually.
posted by BornIcon at 01:30 PM on December 19, 2006
I know who Wes Unseld is, Bornicon. My point was that for someone so aggressively trying to school us on what this whole episode is really about, his attention to things like facts and detail was kind of lacking.
posted by chicobangs at 01:47 PM on December 19, 2006
Which is why I wrote "but you would've thought that he knew that...." but I figured that someone knew who Wes Unseld was or is since he is alive even though he spelled his name wrong. He also used to coach the Washington Bullets when they were still the Bullets. By the way, I don't understand what all the commotion is all about with Carmelo Anthony backing away after he threw that punch. I mean, it's not like he skipped away or anything. He punched the guy in the jaw and his teammates pulled him away. I saw the replay like 20 times yesterday since it was shown on Around the Horn, PTI and SportsCenter and from what I saw, Carmelo did not "run" anywhere, he simply backed up after the punch and his teammates pulled him away. Smart move. Now if only Tito Ortiz would've saw what Carmelo did, Chuck Liddell would've never knocked him out cold. Anyone who watches UFC knows what I'm talking about.
posted by BornIcon at 01:56 PM on December 19, 2006
I hate these haikus, they are driving me insane. When will it all end? Long in the future, when SpoFi has disappeared? Or close to today, just ending on whim. A haiku or no haikus? That is the question.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 02:19 PM on December 19, 2006
Teacher of English I am yet cannot bother To use right verbage; Punctuation is Not so much optional as Addiction for me; As a result of My lapses in grammar my Point falls on deaf ears; My affliction is Diarrhea of the mouth... Luckily I have no shame.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 03:15 PM on December 19, 2006
From an ESPN article about Melo appealing thwe suspension: "There's no justification for the 15 games other than the fact that the commissioner clearly wants to send a message." Stern wants to send a message? Well, no shit Sherlock. Don't fight's the message, I reckon.
posted by jmd82 at 03:16 PM on December 19, 2006
mcjerkliner Dang, if only I'd thought of that during my battles with mjk! That sure would've put you in your place! Well played, mitch. Well played, indeed. With you teaching the children, the world is indeed in good hands.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 03:49 PM on December 19, 2006
How can we call these things fights I watch these and there isn't anybody in the NBA that can scrap.That's why these guys carry weapons and have entourages carmelo should be embrassed hit a guy with a sucker punch then run these guys are weak.
posted by urbighomie at 04:48 PM on December 19, 2006
Maybe mitch could loan some of his punctuation to luther70.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 08:27 PM on December 19, 2006
Amen, brother YYM. Amen.
posted by hawkguy at 08:49 AM on December 20, 2006
Compared to the suspensions last time (which were very harsh), this seems like they got off easy.