Najeh Davenport is arrested for "burglary",: among other things. I won't ruin the punchline for those of you who haven't read about this yet, but it's probably my favorite "Arrested Athlete" story. What's yours?
posted by Samsonov14 to general at 09:34 AM - 12 comments
Yeah...know what? I read the story after I posted. This is now my favorite arrested athlete story. Samsonov, when you read the story and saw the pic of the guy, were you picturing it happening? That's the stuff nightmares are made of.
posted by vito90 at 10:49 AM on July 09, 2002
Response from a Canes' fan: "I think we've all been in that position before. When you have to go, you have to go. Give the guy a break."
posted by jackhererra at 11:25 AM on July 09, 2002
This gives new meaning to "fullback".
posted by worldcup2002 at 11:35 AM on July 09, 2002
"As far I know, Najeh is innocent," Sharpstein said Monday evening. "He was at the wrong place at the wrong time..." Yeah, "squatting in her closet defecating into her laundry basket" definitely counts as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
posted by jmpeterson at 12:05 PM on July 09, 2002
"According to the police report, alleged victim Mary McCarthy said she woke up around 6 a.m. on April 1, ``to a strange sound" Sorry, but read in context, this is just too funny. Also, I can understand the "criminal mischief" charge, but where does the burglary come in? Or am I just completely overlooking something?
posted by bcb2k2 at 01:50 PM on July 09, 2002
The basic definition of burglarly is breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony. I guess dropping a load (no pun intended) in someone's laundry basket is a felony. Malicious defecation, perhaps.
posted by holden at 03:37 PM on July 09, 2002
jackherrera: spoken like a true veteran of the Miami 80s. :) I guess I'll have to let up on my CrimiNole friends for a while...
posted by tieguy at 09:38 PM on July 09, 2002
Fatboy Nate Newton beats Davenport by a puff. 2 months and almost 400 pounds of weed. Now that is impressive even for a man of Nate's stature.
posted by gov at 09:53 PM on July 09, 2002
My favorite was Bob Probert trying to go to Canada from Detroit (or vice versa) with coke up his shorts and empty booze bottles in the backseat. He was supposed to never play in the NHL again, but then he was allowed back.
posted by adampsyche at 09:04 AM on July 10, 2002
Here's a few more good ones. Dave Stewart busted with a, shall we say, "cross-gendered" prostitute in the back seat of his car. Michael Irvin (oh, where do we start?) in the hotel with a buddy, some coke, a couple exotic dancers, and, um, lots of sex toys (that actually just sounds like a pretty good time). Donald Igwuibuike (sp?) ex-kicker for the Minnesota Vikings busted for cocaine trafficking. Dale Ellis and Alton Lister's wives both getting arrested for a fist fight outside the Seattle Colloseum after a Sonic game (Lister, a stiff, had just signed a big deal while Ellis, an all-star wasn't being offered much - the women came to blows over their men's salaries).
posted by vito90 at 09:42 AM on July 10, 2002
To continue vito90's riff: Who can forget Eddie "The Eagle" Balfour getting arrested with a crack pipe and a professional, ranting and raving, offering the arresting officer "millions and millions" of dollars to let him go. (And how happy is this Habs fan the hapless Maple Laughs just signed has-been Belfour as their new starting goalie. Or is that gaolie?)
posted by Cap'n Swing at 01:25 PM on July 10, 2002
My favorite has to be Eugene "the hitting machine" Robinson getting nabbed the day before the Super Bowl with a prostitute (or was it an undercover cop?). I had always liked Eugene when he was getting it done for the second rate Seahawks, but he was a bit of a proselytizer, and there's always a bit of schadenfraude when they go down hard like that.