Warning! Warning! Warning!: It's another story about Terrell Owens being a jackass. Consider yourself forewarned.
posted by The_Black_Hand to football at 03:54 PM - 36 comments
*sigh* This situation would really piss me off, except we can all pinpoint the day when his rude awakening will begin. If the Eagles ae smart, they'll find themselves, by draft or trade or whatever, another receiver. Not even a better one, just a good enough one. And then let Owens sit beside the phone, waiting for a renegotiation call that will never come. If we ignore Terrell Owens, he really will go away. I know ESPN has six channels of 24-hour hype they have to fill, but at this point, quite frankly, I'd rather watch cricket.
posted by chicobangs at 04:08 PM on November 04, 2005
I know that Owens is a loser and all, but what is wrong with recognizing individual accomplishments? As for his statement about Favre, I think TO lacks tact. The question was something like -- Irvin says that the team would be undefeated with Favre as QB, what do you say to that? And TO responds -- that sounds right, with the type player Favre is -- or something like that. Tacky, sure. And really, McNabb is playing hurt and doesn't need this. But, pretty tame as far as TO comments go.
posted by bperk at 04:08 PM on November 04, 2005
Ego is as Ego does! In other words...WHAT AN ASS!
posted by melcarek69 at 04:18 PM on November 04, 2005
T.O. is a malcontent. He'll never be satisfied, and never be totally happy. I don't care what the team, what the situation, he'll always come out a jerk. They probably didn't celebrate his TD milestone because most individuals in Philly don't like him, and when they fail to win a Super Bowl again this year, his whining and bitching will make this past off-season look like nothing. It's too bad a guy with that much talent was born with a mouth (one that's only good for putting his foot in).
posted by dyams at 04:57 PM on November 04, 2005
I personally like to give acknowledgement to someone who doesn't expect it rather than someone who whines cause they didn't get it.
posted by skydivemom at 05:03 PM on November 04, 2005
I hope he plays next Monday night against the Cowboys. I know he usually has good games against Dallas, but I'd give my left nut to see T.O. come across the middle and watch Roy Williams KNOCK HIS FREAKING HEAD OFF!!!
posted by Desert Dog at 05:38 PM on November 04, 2005
How do you spell T.O.?...... a-s-s-h-o-l-e!!
posted by Sasquatch12154 at 05:46 PM on November 04, 2005
There are few people or places or events that can evoke a universal agreement, but owens is one of them. As a lifelong Niner fan, even though we are in the cellar, I would rather be there without TO then lead the West with him. What little we got in trade was well worth the peace of mind that returned with his departure. The guy is a cancer in the clubhouse and thrives on discontent. But just think about this- if he is like this as an active player on one of the leading teams in the NFL, can you imagine what it will be like the first time he gets passed over for the HOF?
posted by irunfromclones at 05:54 PM on November 04, 2005
I'm getting an overwhelming sense of deja vu. Heh.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 06:01 PM on November 04, 2005
As a lifelong Niner fan, even though we are in the cellar, I would rather be there without TO then lead the West with him. Class. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 06:03 PM on November 04, 2005
I think the fact that we all talk about (and watch) TO so much affirms the fact that he's good to have around. Asshole or not, I'm entertained (and isn't that the point of these games we watch). Plus I'm a big fan of Donovan and you just know he's going to go off now (in the football offense sense).
posted by panoptican at 06:26 PM on November 04, 2005
The guy who is filling in for T.O. these next two(?)games, has to play like a brother who wants to start for Philly the rest of the season. After he earns T.O.'s position, the coach should give T.O. his props and tell him "101 won't be in a Philly uniform. Congratulations!!"
posted by alljasz at 06:35 PM on November 04, 2005
panoptican, I've avoided Eagles games for exactly that reason. There are too many genuinely compelling storylines and players in the game to give this little attention whore any of my time.
posted by chicobangs at 07:08 PM on November 04, 2005
The only person who finds TO's antics entertaining is TO. He's tired...played out. After the first thirty or so ignorant quotes or TD celebrations, it just loses its shock value and becomes old news. If he would just keep his mouth shut and play like he belongs on a TEAM, he would be one of the greatest receivers to ever play the game. Instead he sees himself as an entertainer instead of an athlete. He is a narccisist who will never strive for team goals, therefore he will never be a winner (just a whiner).
posted by willthrill72 at 07:47 PM on November 04, 2005
"If I am, I am," Owens said of being suspended. "That would hurt the team." Nope...not any more T.O. There was a time when your absence would hurt the team, but not any more. You've stuck your cleats in your mouth once too often. Now the TEAM is better off without you...and you have only your ego, big mouth, and immaturity to blame.
posted by roberts at 08:06 PM on November 04, 2005
Does TO ever mention that his team helped him get 1000 catches -nope. In my opinion TO is a selfish, overpaid baby. I hate writing something so rooted in emotion but i agree with willthrill 100%. Terrel Owens is played out like dry shit in a sandbox. Terrel Owens's outward attitude and mental ability is watered down like beer piss. If Terrel Owens had another excuse for why he has been unproductive this year he'd have two assholes.
posted by T$PORT4lawschool at 08:16 PM on November 04, 2005
I'm a fan of teams noting the really big milestones with a brief play stoppage to put away the ball, put the athlete's mug on the Jumbotron and let fans have a chance to cheer. It's like a curtain call in baseball. But T.O.'s constant and petulant need for attention is killing me. Does anyone know what in his background might explain this behavior? At some point, you'd think a combination of wealth, accomplishments and time might settle him down.
posted by rcade at 09:36 PM on November 04, 2005
My guess is he's just been really spoiled his entire life. No one ever disabused him of the notion that the sun shone out of his ass, and he's lived the life of see it, imagine it, want it, and it's his, be it the college of his choice, a life playing football, fame, fortune, all the special perks that fame and fortune bring, he was moved to the team of his choice when he wanted to be moved, he was able to force the trade he wanted when he wanted it... he's never not gotten exactly what he wanted, when he wanted it. This might be the first time in his life that any dissent has even cracked through to his consciousness. It must be baffling to him, poor fella.
posted by chicobangs at 09:50 PM on November 04, 2005
I guess I am getting old or something but I cut Owens slack due to circumstances surrounding his formative years. He didn't know his dad, raised by a grandmother and watched her dwindle into an Alzheimers state. People put way too much weight on his every word. I like watching him, liked watching him from his first days as a Niner. No one is better on the field and really it is all that matters.
posted by mikemora at 10:24 PM on November 04, 2005
Actually, rcade, I remember an article in Sports Illustrated several years ago (might have been around the time of that incredible catch vs. Green Bay), in which his life as a profoundly shy kid (surprise!) was revealed. Apparently, as a kid, T.O. was very dark skinned, and was made fun of by even other black kids, had a stutter or some other kind of speech problem, and was generally picked on by everybody in the school. As I said, it's been years, and a half-assed search for the article failed to turn it up, but yeah, he's got some insecurity issues from way back that still act up.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 10:24 PM on November 04, 2005
but what is wrong with recognizing individual accomplishments? There's nothing wrong with it...but it's oh so cool when a player doesn't require it. Two things I always appreciate(d) in football - Barry Sanders handing the ball to the official after ANOTHER touchdown and the Denver Bronco's O-line not granting interviews. I've quoted it before, I'll quote it again..."ACT LIKE YOU'VE BEEN THERE BEFORE" One other thought on Owens. Not to deny his immense talent, but he has always played with really, really good quarterbacks, hasn't he? Jeff Garcia was an All-Pro and borderline MVP during their years as a tandem (not to mention Steve Young) and we all know Donovan's capabilities. Is this why Owens was so reluctant to play in Baltimore? Because he won't play with a QB that can't showcase his talent? To boot, me wonders if he's bipolar.
posted by vito90 at 10:32 PM on November 04, 2005
Poor baby owens. Got picked on in his life, had some growing up problems, some issues, who didn't, however this does not excuse owens's behavior. Should we excuse criminals because they had some issues growing up, whats to say anbody won't use this type of subjective reasoning? Believe me they try all the time and its sick. Owen's feeling hurt, got too much cash so now he acts up like an insolent baby or some sort of imp. Should we excuse the kids who shot up Columbine because they were picked on or had spelling problems NO. Should we excuse somebody for outlandish behavior NO. Society enforces behavior for the public good or EXCUSES.For the same reasons we should not put up with or make excuses for TO. How old is TO 30 now. Should we hold his hand and tell him he's number one? Excuses are like assholes and everybody's got one.
posted by T$PORT4lawschool at 10:44 PM on November 04, 2005
We should absolutly give credit where credit is due! Owens has managed to do something very rare in this day in age. He's managed to unify the general public in mass against him. Pretty amazing I would say. At some point you would think teams would just say "enough" and leave any athlete, and Owens is not the only one, who can't function in a team environment alone. If that would happen a few times and leave a few prima donnas out in the parking lot without a job, maybe it would get the attention of the rest who might think they're bigger that the game.
posted by WhattheHeck at 11:16 PM on November 04, 2005
He's not bipolar. He's just another million dollar talent with a ten-cent head.
posted by chicobangs at 12:00 AM on November 05, 2005
i think it was fucked u he said he rather be with favre i understands he want to be recognized but he needs that ring hes a cocky but hes still good
posted by defrag3x at 07:16 AM on November 05, 2005
He'll never get one. He's far too self destructive and he's a distraction for whichever team he plays on.
posted by willthrill72 at 09:16 AM on November 05, 2005
Ooooh! Chico!!! I was still giggling over the "sun shines out of his ass" comment, and then you come up with the ten-cent head one. Priceless. BTW, I couldn't agree more. I hope T.O. will not go away mad, but just go away. Sorry I don't know how to do the highlight thing.
posted by gac at 09:43 AM on November 05, 2005
TO is a spoiled brat. Bottom Line. Is he good as a reciever? Absolutely! Is he a loud mouth? Absolutely! Will he every win a Super Bowl? Absolutely not! As the Patriots have proven 3 out of the last 4 years, you do not need over-priced selfish players to win a championship. What you need are players who want to win and will do what the "TEAM" needs to do it. TO is a great athlete. Could you imagine his coach coming to him and telling him that he needs him to play on defense? Even if it meant getting to and winning a Super Bowl, I don't think TO would ever put the team before himself. Someday TO is going to wake up an old man, ringless, broke, and without friends, and wonder why he didn't just keep his mouth shut, just once.
posted by grabofsky74 at 10:01 AM on November 05, 2005
This latest thing with T.O. was manufacture, in part by ESPN. Its getting to the point where I dont even pay attention to news about T.O. Espns hypes him, he uses ESPN to fight his battles--its enough to make one barf!
posted by daddisamm at 10:15 AM on November 05, 2005
Latest news is he's benched for sunday night. Good job Eagles for putting team unity ahead one one petulent, cry baby reciever.
posted by Fade222 at 11:47 AM on November 05, 2005
Might be a little more than just this Sunday...
posted by The_Black_Hand at 01:44 PM on November 05, 2005
It's always nice to have someone to hate in sports. The hate for Clay/Ali's big mouth (and that of his personal shill, Howard Cosell) did wonders to revitalize a dying sport of boxing. McEnroe and fellow crybaby Nastase sure improved television ratings for tennis. Unfortunately, the rantings of Gorgous Geroge kept wresteling alive at a time when it almost went belly-up. Even non-hockey fans tuned in to see who Dave "The Hammer" Schultz would beat the tar out of. Judgin by the Yankees huge road attendance figures, I presume folks love to come out to BOO ARod, Schef, Jeter, Giambi (take your pick). All this hate can't be too bad for sports.
posted by drevl at 02:29 PM on November 05, 2005
Owen's feeling hurt, got too much cash so now he acts up like an insolent baby or some sort of imp. Should we excuse the kids who shot up Columbine because they were picked on or had spelling problems NO. Should we excuse somebody for outlandish behavior NO. Society enforces behavior for the public good or EXCUSES.For the same reasons we should not put up with or make excuses for TO. How old is TO 30 now. Should we hold his hand and tell him he's number one? Excuses are like assholes and everybody's got one. I cannot,for the life of me, understand why some people get so personal and have such strong feelings towards a pro athlete. Comparing TO to the kids who murdered other kids at a school by way of their similar up bringing is so odd to me. This guy(TO) has a big mouth.So what. What i find amazing is how personal some people take this shit. There is 1 post on this thread that addressed TO directly. I guess what im asking is. Why take what this guys says or does to heart? Where do we as fans do what we say the team should do. "At some point you would think teams would just say "enough" and leave any athlete, and Owens is not the only one, who can't function in a team environment alone". We even go as far as calling this guy things he isnt. "If Terrel Owens had another excuse for why he has been unproductive this year he'd have two assholes". TO is in the top 5 of almost every statistical category for receivers this year. Yes Philly throws 70% of the time,but TO could be dropping them all. This post is in no way intended to defend him or the things he does. I could careless either way.But damn, for a minute i thought i mistakenly went to a gay rights website and ended up on a thread about Eminem. Where do we as fans of the sport draw the line with our feelings(anger,hatred,envy,jealousy) toward opposing team members? Are we truly that offended by this guy? and if so, why? If any sports fan is as offended by an opposing players comments as they are by people who commit murder, i would say TO isnt the only one who may require some counseling.
posted by RZA at 02:49 AM on November 06, 2005
Gone for the year... at least in Philly.
posted by dusted at 03:08 PM on November 07, 2005
posted by sfts2 at 09:00 PM on November 09, 2005
My publicist talked to the head PR guy, and they made an excuse they didn't recognize that was coming up. But that was a blatant lie. This kind of sums up what kind of person Mr. Owens is. Don't recognize his individual accomplishment in a team sport and he goes to his publicist. I thought football players were tough.