Proposed Olympics Event: Nude Gymnastics: The Museum of Menstruation reveals something unusual about '70s U.S. Olympics gymnast (and StayFree Maxi-Pads spokeswoman) Cathy Rigby: She posed nude in a 1972 Sports Illustrated article, suggesting that two Olympics sports -- gymnastics and diving -- should be performed nude for aesthetic reasons.
i wouldnt wanna use the palmall *spelling* horse after some nude guy just used it not to mention seeing that split done on the rings by some bare assed guy , on the other hand judging the women would be hard (no pun intended) because who could be watching the techinical points of a routine . as for the time of the month , dont woman athletes have a slower system ? as for the diving , you thought that woman hitting her face on the board was painful , catch your package on that and see how it feels . holy nut crunch .
posted by evil empire at 06:31 PM on July 31, 2005
I'm a sad Internet freak of long standing, maclmn. I've known about the Museum of Menstruation for years, though I spotted this Cathy Rigby item while googling for her name for other reasons.
posted by rcade at 06:36 PM on July 31, 2005
whoa there rcade-things like that should stay between you and your shrink/priest. just kidding, of course
posted by markovitch at 06:52 PM on July 31, 2005
though I spotted this Cathy Rigby item while googling for her name for other reasons. When I was younger, I use to google mary-lou retton quite a bit. I'm just sayin'...
posted by justgary at 07:24 PM on July 31, 2005
In a link that involves the Museum of Menstration and maxipads, this phrase: though I spotted this Cathy Rigby item is pretty goddamned funny.
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:27 PM on July 31, 2005
it just hit me ...rcade what the hell are you doing in that site anyways you sicko
posted by evil empire at 08:15 PM on July 31, 2005
I can skip the Maxipads and Menstration but nude gymnastics sounds pretty damn good to me.
posted by dbt302 at 10:15 PM on July 31, 2005
you thought that woman hitting her face on the board was painful , catch your package on that and see how it feels Yeah, cos that Speedo is there for protection as well as discomfort.
posted by JJ at 04:31 AM on August 01, 2005
If they do, no 13 year old girls with short circuited puberty due to excessive workouts. Sorry, but does anyone need to see a Naked 14 year old Dominique Mocianeau at the '96 Olympics? Wouldn't that in and of itself be illegal in about 15 different ways?? Hmmm, perhaps they should perform nude just so spectators can marvel at the disfigurement these girls suffer in the name of grace and beauty.
posted by LostInDaJungle at 12:20 PM on August 01, 2005
that is nasty
posted by JohnWamser at 06:00 PM on August 01, 2005
don't any of u kno how to spell MENSTRUATION??? not menstration
posted by brklyngurl1201 at 08:56 AM on August 02, 2005
Physician, heal thyself.
posted by yerfatma at 09:28 AM on August 02, 2005
I agree with lostindajungle. Most of these girls we legally COULDN'T look at because they are under 18. Besides, gymnastics (like ice skating) exists for women, who probably wouldn't be too amped to see 15 year old girls nude (though I'm sure they'd love to watch the guys, who seem to be the most jacked dudes in the olympics, nude on the rings). As for macimn question, I've heard that most of these gymnast types (along with hardcore cross country runners) don't have periods because their bodies are so screwed up due to the anorexia and everything else they do keep them artificially young for unreal amounts of time. Sacrifices of the job, I guess, but I would never put up with it.
posted by Bonkers at 05:41 PM on August 03, 2005
ahem.thats the weirdist site I think I've ever seen..rcade,ummmm how in the world did you find something like that???? Although I love the concept..How would they perform nude at the wrong time of the month???