Hidden: Ridiculous: This is ridiculous. I'm in Washington D.C., our team isn't any good, and I went to every possible game I could. A lockout? Fuck these guys, fuck all of them, and fuck this sport (professionally). What a bunch of assholes, i'm boycotting hockey.
posted by LawnWrangler to hockey at 03:27 PM - 11 comments
Good stuff.
posted by yerfatma at 04:03 PM on July 06, 2005
This should be a column.
posted by chicobangs at 04:17 PM on July 06, 2005
I just don't know about this.
posted by dfleming at 04:34 PM on July 06, 2005
Now that's what I like...a short story.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 04:35 PM on July 06, 2005
You're right. This is ridiculous. SpoFi's posting guidelines are linked on the posting page. Does anyone have the over/under on FPP's with no links/self-links/links to the Front Page for tomorrow?
posted by lilnemo at 04:41 PM on July 06, 2005
alrighty then
posted by garfield at 04:43 PM on July 06, 2005
Tell us how you really feel.
posted by rocketman at 04:46 PM on July 06, 2005
You need a link to an outside source.
posted by justgary at 05:01 PM on July 06, 2005
I agree, its B.S., NC's team sucks too. Personally I think we should sell NC's & get a baseball team.
posted by marlboroman at 05:37 PM on July 06, 2005
Hey Jackass, They are fighting for the future of hockey players. So what you missed a season. So did the rest of us. If the greedy owners would give a little we would have a season back. I hope the players continue to stick together and fight. There isn't a bigger FAN than me. and i servived a lost season. #1 Blues Fan
posted by KatsWrld at 09:45 PM on July 06, 2005
Take it easy, Grass Grabber...