Jessica Simpson's husband gives his 2 cents?: Do celebrities always submit articles on how they feel about their beloved teams? Dont get me wrong, we love seeing Nick wear UC, Bengals, and Reds jerseys on TV all the time, but getting an editorial printed in the sports page may be a bit much.
posted by triplebogey to general at 09:53 PM - 11 comments
People complain about Sharon Stone talking politics, this is even worse. Who gives a flying F what Jessica's Husband thinks. Go get a life of your own.
posted by LostInDaJungle at 08:51 AM on June 02, 2005
I don't get that whole 'you can't talk about x if you are a celebrity' issue. We're the idiots that give these idiots attention, and then complain about the platform we've provided. It's not like they are any less bright than most of the people reading and watching. Politics, sports, religion, whatever. We've implicitedly granted them the right to talk about whatever they want by granting them celebrity status. Individually, you may not have propped up said celebrity, but you know you have a few american idols that you'll swallow every word they spew...until you disagree with them, that is. the most recent and poignant example was pro-war and anti-war celebs. I say let 'em speak. It's their careers they are risking, it is (was) a free country, let'em stick their feet where ever they want. re: lachey - has he been watching pro sports, or had a real job, the past decade? loyalty is a thing of the past.
posted by garfield at 09:42 AM on June 02, 2005
Seems like someone is lostindajungle,or just plain lost.
posted by HOE.O.K. at 10:54 AM on June 02, 2005
Right on Garfield. it is (was) a free country,my thoughts exactly.
posted by HOE.O.K. at 10:57 AM on June 02, 2005
We now know where Jessica Simpson's love has gone... to Cincinnati. (2.5mb mp3)
posted by dusted at 12:20 PM on June 02, 2005
which of course lies in Hamilton, er I mean, Hazard County...
posted by garfield at 12:25 PM on June 02, 2005
The article was literate and well-reasoned. Who cares if a celebrity wrote it?
posted by billsaysthis at 03:13 PM on June 02, 2005
Yes dusted, but is it true there's no wrong way to make love to a woman sans legs?
posted by yerfatma at 04:39 PM on June 02, 2005
If my method is wrong, I don't want to be right.
posted by dusted at 05:20 PM on June 02, 2005
The article was literate and well-reasoned. Who cares if a celebrity wrote it? I certainly don't give a shit, and I don't even have a vague idea who this guy is, for that matter. I barely know who Jessica Simpson is, other than she has a sister that did something kind of lame on SNL a few months ago. I think the point is that some people get their panties in a bunch about Alec Baldwin or Ron Silver talking politics, even though both can be articulate and reasoned, on occasion. Personally, I save my ire for so-called sportswriters that spend too much time talking about the "meaning" behind the games or the cults of celebrity they involve rather than the game itself (e.g.: Frank DeFord and Bud Collins). This Lachey kid seems all right, even though presumably, if you were to play his music for me, I would run screaming from the room.
posted by psmealey at 09:16 AM on June 03, 2005
Celebrity or not, Nick writes a good article-and his is enttled to have an opinion. The part about Graves is agreeable to me. I would say that he is going out on a limb with his opinion on Huggins.