Mark Cuban has a bad hair day: The Mavericks owner got his panties in a bunch when ESPN Page 2's Eric Neel did a parody of what NBA commissioner David Stern's blog might look like. Neel mentioned going to Cuban's web site and posting "Nice hair" in every possible place. Apparently, lots of people did. Have a read of Cuban's response, but don't bother trying to get your own opinion in -- they've already shut down the comments section.
posted by wfrazerjr to basketball at 03:58 PM - 7 comments
Be on the lookout for Phoenix phans holding up "NICE HAIR" signs during the next game.
posted by thatweirdguy2 at 05:07 PM on May 10, 2005
a permalink to the post of interest that will be needed once Cuban posts something newer and bumps it from the top spot? i'm waiting to see if Cuban will comment on Steve Nash winning MVP (not that a thread about that has appeared on Spofi yet, so maybe it is filed under meh). i hope he at least has some comment on the Phx-Dal matchup. I'm more interested in that than blog comment spam.
posted by gspm at 05:09 PM on May 10, 2005
I read Cuban's diatribe about comment spam and thought he was taking lessons from Colin Montgomerie about how to complain about something in a way that guarantees it keeps happening forever. He's turned comments on and off before on BlogMaverick. He ought to consider switching to a letters to the editor-style model where only the best comments run, instead of turning every one of his entries into a troll orgy.
posted by rcade at 05:31 PM on May 10, 2005
You'd think a guy who made his billions by starting and selling off tech companies would be a little more savvy about how people respond on the web. Every time Cuban gets pricked the least little bit, he curls up into a fetal position and shuts off the comments. To quote the great Sgt. Hulka, "Lighten up, Francis." And anyway, how can anyone with his own NBA team not be razzed for having a modified Moe haricut?
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:25 PM on May 10, 2005
i'm waiting to see if Cuban will comment on Steve Nash winning MVP (not that a thread about that has appeared on Spofi yet, so maybe it is filed under meh). *cough*
posted by grum@work at 10:33 PM on May 10, 2005
ah yes. i remember reading that thread. I guess i was looking for one since the official announcement and forgot about the one reporting it when it was a leaked rumour
posted by gspm at 07:03 AM on May 11, 2005
What I never expected was that a Howard Stern moment would come from the Disney Company. That a call to spam would come from one of the largest media companies in the world. The last thing the blogosphere needs is one outlet trying to diminish the voice of another by initiating an avalanche of spam. Give me a break. It was a parody. Yeah, the consequences kind of suck, but take it easy -- the column was not a mean-spirited attempt to drive comment spam to Cuban's website or to "diminish the voice of another by initiating an avalanche of spam." On the web, you take the good with the bad, and anonymous comments by idiots, comments spam, front page posts that state GRILS SPORTZ SUKK!!!, etc. are some of the bads that come with the goods of ease of communication, sharing of ideas, access to information, etc. And as several commenters over at Cuban's blog note, there are quite easy technological solutions to this problem. All Cuban has done by responding the way he did is just guarantee that every comments thread on his website in perpetuity will include "Nice Hair."