I could do that. : In her attempts to perform the Star Spangled Banner before a US-Canada exhibition hockey game in Montreal, singer Caroline Marcil forgot the words, started over, forgot them again, left the ice to get a lyrics sheet, returned to the ice, slipped and fell, got up, and left the arena without completing the performance.
"...the game began without either anthem being sung."
This is the lead in a very funny piece on Only a Game about "the Star Spangled Banner's misadventures in sports".
posted by lil_brown_bat to hockey at 06:55 AM - 5 comments
It's not over till the fat lady sings right?
posted by volfire at 03:41 PM on April 30, 2005
I saw a clip of this on the fox sports report or sky sports.. just hilarious.
posted by blarp at 04:31 PM on April 30, 2005
I was at a Duke game once where the singer forgot the lyrics about midway through; after a brief pause, the crowd picked up where she left off. It ended up being a fairly moving rendition.
posted by tieguy at 11:46 PM on April 30, 2005
Seriously, where is Maurice Cheeks when you need him??
posted by LostInDaJungle at 10:33 AM on May 02, 2005
Nice...... How much more can hockey take?