Game on!: Might as well be the one to throw down: Pats will win!
posted by billsaysthis to football at 05:38 PM - 92 comments
The player introductions blew. I miss the individual player names being read and the high fives and dance moves.
posted by rcade at 05:53 PM on February 06, 2005
Can they get a kid who at least knows how to flip a coin?
posted by McBain at 05:56 PM on February 06, 2005
The line was Pats by 7, right? Was that a little too conservative?
posted by alumshubby at 06:08 PM on February 06, 2005
Super What? Apparently not a big enough game to be broadcast live in China. I am stuck listening to some fan-boy at internet radio. Does anyone know a better, more pure internet broadcast? My email is in my profile. Thanks.
posted by geekyguy at 06:39 PM on February 06, 2005
The player introductions blew. I miss the individual player names being read and the high fives and dance moves. Didn't see the last few SBs, didja? By being introduced as a team, the Pats made the others look like cheap showboating chumps. It's a good trend. Your two or three star-boys -- which is all you ever got out of the "individual player names"; the spear-carriers never got mentioned -- were not the ones who won the game anyway. (Now can we please get a drive going, Pats? And no more of those friggin' annoying yellow flags???)
posted by lil_brown_bat at 06:59 PM on February 06, 2005
This game is crap. Just absolutely full of totally stupid JV crap mistakes. Crap, crap, crap. I hope both teams get their asses kicked by their respective coaching staffs at halftime.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:07 PM on February 06, 2005
geekyguy -- hit I think there's at least one other feed. Or try and see if they have any premium broadcast links. Iggles score -- yea!!!
posted by alumshubby at 07:07 PM on February 06, 2005
Lame halftime prediction (b/c I couldn't care less to see Sir Paul): Eagles 24, StuPats 13. Mark my words. *shakes fist* maaaaaaaaaark theeeeeemmm!
posted by Ufez Jones at 07:41 PM on February 06, 2005
Actually, Sir Paul is not sucking. Interesting to see an honest-to-God musician for a change at one of these shindigs. (and best Star Spangled Banana I've seen in a while as well)
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:44 PM on February 06, 2005
alumshubby - Thanks. There is one other feed. Almost completely ass hat free, too. Much better.
posted by geekyguy at 07:47 PM on February 06, 2005
Ufez, you were close on the Pats but way off on the Igles. Defenses definitely on top both ways so far. No great commercials either.
posted by billsaysthis at 08:26 PM on February 06, 2005
No great commercials either. I kinda liked the NFL "Tomorrow" commercial. Actually, I thought it was really funny. (friggin' Westbrook, somebody break that guy's kneecaps. Who needs "TO" anyway?)
posted by lil_brown_bat at 08:29 PM on February 06, 2005
lbb, at least they brought Cheadle back for that one. And now the Pats are up 10. I seem to have been way off base with the Troy Borwn MVP pick, though he did have one great punt return called back because of someone else's unnecessary holding penalty.
posted by billsaysthis at 09:00 PM on February 06, 2005
And it's time for a nice cold Bruschi!!! *drink*
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:05 PM on February 06, 2005
Just when you thought the Igles might get back in to it with Owens' game-best catch and run, Donovan remembers the script and throws it to Cold Beer.
posted by billsaysthis at 09:10 PM on February 06, 2005
Woo. Looks like Adam Vinatieri is maybe gonna win this one, too.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:22 PM on February 06, 2005
Worst clock management ever by the Eagles.
posted by swank6 at 09:43 PM on February 06, 2005
I knew this was going to be closer than everyone was calling it. That being said, damn, but it has been a great year to be a New England sports fan. That all being said, can Owens be given MVP even if his team lost? The man was the best player on the field today. Yay Pats!
posted by Joey Michaels at 09:43 PM on February 06, 2005
Da Patriots win it! (and so does billsaysthis...dammit, if I'd got the MVP I'd have won the Pick 'Em)
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:52 PM on February 06, 2005
No need for the FootMan, Rodney Harrison taught McNabb one last lesson. Still, this is not going to be good for me in the playoff pool. Oh well.
posted by billsaysthis at 09:56 PM on February 06, 2005
Brady declines to make rcade happy once more.
posted by yerfatma at 09:57 PM on February 06, 2005
Brady was lucky though, Yerfatma, don't forget that.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 10:07 PM on February 06, 2005
Brady was lucky though, Yerfatma, don't forget that. *snicker*
posted by lil_brown_bat at 10:09 PM on February 06, 2005
Does anyone have a link to that old mushot of Tom Brady, the one where he looked like a total idiot?
posted by Discman at 10:15 PM on February 06, 2005
MrB, that is a completely unreasonable assertion to make after being the winning QB three of the five years he's been in the NFL. Now, if you were to suggest McNabb had a bit of bad luck, I might go a long since he was really off with his passing despite throwing for over 350 yards. But Brady? He's not lucky, he's already guaranteed himself a spot in Canton even if he never plays another down.
posted by billsaysthis at 10:28 PM on February 06, 2005
See, now if we had the dancing banana smilie, this sort of misunderstanding wouldn't happen.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 10:32 PM on February 06, 2005
posted by dusted at 10:34 PM on February 06, 2005
lil_brown_bat: *snicker* Is despise too strong of a word? Anyone? /Simmons
posted by dusted at 10:36 PM on February 06, 2005
Worst clock management ever. I don't care if they've been in the top 4 in the league for four years straight, the offensive coordinator of the Eagles should be fired.
posted by tieguy at 10:41 PM on February 06, 2005
Remember when Boston and its fans were lovable underdogs? Me neither. Brady declines to make rcade happy once more. Don't know why you're making this personal, yerfatma, but I wasn't eagerly anticipating Brady's failure. If I want to see someone fail (Ray Lewis, Kobe Bryant, Jeff Fisher), I'd make that clear. I predicted two Brady picks and a loss for this game, but I don't have anything invested in either team, aside from thinking it would've be nice to see McNabb hoist the Lombardi. I even said last week it was crazy to suggest Brady was overrated. I did think, prior to the Colts game, that Brady would get exposed as a good but not great quarterback. But we all saw how that turned out.
posted by rcade at 10:58 PM on February 06, 2005
Didn't see the last few SBs, didja? I know the Patriots have done the team thing, but my vague memory is that most teams in recent years have introduced individual stars, and it's more interesting. I do know individual intros were used in the Ravens-Giants bowl, because Ray Lewis did his idiotic strut, and I thought they were great in the last Bowl trips by Dallas. You may think it emphasizes the team nature of the sport to avoid individual introductions, and I know that all Patriots fans think that Bill Belichick invented the concept of teamwork. But to me, if they want to start the game looking like a high school team, they should run through a big paper banner.
posted by rcade at 11:05 PM on February 06, 2005
Okay, now this is a good photo.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 11:33 PM on February 06, 2005
Not too bad a game. Plenty of mistakes by the QB's, but some great "behind-the-scenes" plays by the unsung heroes on the lines. When will the NFL stop blitzing on every other play, though? It almost always results in a weakened secondary and a big gain.
posted by rocket88 at 11:47 PM on February 06, 2005
Stupid Eggles. They had almost every concienvable break in the first half and couldn't do squat with it. And I agree with whomever said the offezive coordinator should be fired - They should have gone no huddle with the ball down by 10 with under 5 to play.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 11:54 PM on February 06, 2005
Eagles 24-21. Touchdown for TO. Two interceptions for Brady. bold prediction. Is that the NFC East bias coming out rcade? mcnubb looked pedestrian (numbers weren't bad but he never 'made' a play.). TO was better than you could hope for. clock management down the stretch for the Iggles was maybe the worst on memory. WHERE IS THE 'NO HUDDLE'????? Belichek schemed 'em again. never bet against BB when he has two weeks to prepare.
posted by stofer71 at 11:55 PM on February 06, 2005
They should have gone no huddle with the ball down by 10 with under 5 to play. No. Frickin'. Junk!!! I had nothing invested in either time except hoping for a good game...yet, there I was during that drive screaming at the top of lungs "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!!?!?!?! RUNNNNN to the line of scrimage!!!!!!!!!!" among other things I'm sure greatly entertained my roomates. Plus, there was that pass to Westbrook that he caught on his of 5 yd line with about 47 seconds left that pretty much sealed the deal as like 20 seconds ran off the clock. I know it's hard to think "Oh, I should drop the ball," but why is that I NEVER see a player drop the ball in a scenario like that where it would be uber-benificial to your chances of winning?
posted by jmd82 at 12:36 AM on February 07, 2005
Holy crap! Was the Super Bowl tonight?! Oh damn! I went out for dinner and forgot it was on! No wonder the restaurant was so empty! Just kidding! The first half was one of the ugliest ones I've seen two teams play in a Super Bowl in a long while. "You take the ball!" "No, you take it!" "No, I insist!" "Wait! I'll get a penalty and give it back!" Ugh.
posted by grum@work at 01:30 AM on February 07, 2005
bold prediction. Is that the NFC East bias coming out rcade? Normally, I root for the other East teams to lose all of their games. Including the ones they play against each other. But yeah, I probably overrated the East champ so that Dallas didn't look even worse. The lack of urgency on the part of the Eagles before their last touchdown was amazing. I simply can't find an explanation for it, short of exhaustion induced dementia.
posted by rcade at 06:51 AM on February 07, 2005
Remember when Boston and its fans were lovable underdogs? Me neither. You should definitely tune into WEEI's net broadcast then: they're talking about the game like it was a blowout and how McNabb had a terrible game. That final TD? It was during "garbage time". The two weeks leading up to the game were insufferable with the blowout predictions and the "Do you think we can shut the Eagles out?" callers. If this is anything more than the normal morning show idiocy, next year will be difficult. How to root for a team while separating one's self from the "fans" that showed up 4 years ago?
posted by yerfatma at 07:16 AM on February 07, 2005
When will the NFL stop blitzing on every other play, though? It almost always results in a weakened secondary and a big gain. I tell you what, though - possibly my favourite moment of the entire game was on the Pats first pass of the game, when a blitzing Iggles linebacker was nearly sent into orbit by Corey Dillon. The crew were too busy introducing the Pats offensive linemen to show the replay, but it was a cracking block.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 07:27 AM on February 07, 2005
How to root for a team while separating one's self from the "fans" that showed up 4 years ago? now you know how yankee fans feel. :-)
posted by goddam at 07:29 AM on February 07, 2005
Whenever a Dallas team is good, it brings out so many obnoxious bandwagon fans that an expression has been coined to describe them: the "cocaine and boob job crowd."
posted by rcade at 07:42 AM on February 07, 2005
There are fans who don't do cocaine and have boob jobs? tie'born and bred miami hurricanes fan'guy
posted by tieguy at 08:35 AM on February 07, 2005
I could settle for a cocaine and boob job crowd. Instead we get the Dodge Durango and snowmobile and Metallica '94 tour tshirt crowds.
posted by yerfatma at 08:41 AM on February 07, 2005
sad. hungover. But now it's basketball time. I'm going to Penn-Princeton tomorrow (my birthday) and then Wednesday is Duke-UNC I. Sadly I won't be at that game.
posted by mbd1 at 09:35 AM on February 07, 2005
mbd1: so which one of us is actually going to start a college ball thread here? :)
posted by tieguy at 09:37 AM on February 07, 2005
exhaustion induced dementia That is about the only logical explanation. What in the world was Andy Reid thinking? I am at a loss as to what the strategy was down the stretch...hey...let's run the clock for them!
posted by stofer71 at 09:48 AM on February 07, 2005
Odd tangent: Anyone else find if kind of wrong that they used 'Sunday, Bloody Sunday' as the leader into the second half?
posted by Ufez Jones at 09:59 AM on February 07, 2005
Quotes from Andy Reid: "Well we were trying to hurry up, it was the way things worked out." There is no try, Andy, do or do not. Nobody watching thought your team was trying to hurry up. In response to a question about clock management down the stretch of the first half (the eagles bled a 1:10 off the clock in 3 plays with two TO's available...passing on a FG possibility): "I don't remember that at all, to be honest with you." wha what WHAT?? If I was an Iggles fan I would be freaking out if my coach sounded like he didn't have a clue.
posted by stofer71 at 10:11 AM on February 07, 2005
ufez....yes. i think it had alot to do with 'bridging gaps to future generations' theme that ran throughout the musical choices of the broadcast. ya know, U2 (mgmt) trying to get in with the nu cool kidz, for the umpteenth time. stofer, those quotes don't win Reid a vote of confidence from this admittedly unsophisticated football fan.
posted by garfield at 10:22 AM on February 07, 2005
T.O. was amazing. Absolutely above and beyond everything I expected. If he was named MVP, I wouldn't have been suprised at all. The game was a nail biter and I wasn't sure the Patriots were going to pull it out for a while there.
posted by jerseygirl at 10:23 AM on February 07, 2005
Anyone have a link to those career builder monkey commercials? As for a game, very entertaining. TO was impressive. McNabb seemed a bit awestruck most of the game. I would like to point out that they Eagles were more agressive in the first half, going deep and whanot than they were in the fourth quarter. Props to the Pats D for picking up those interceptions.
posted by jasonspaceman at 10:24 AM on February 07, 2005
To add to the list of coaching blunders... Why on Earth were there no Eagles back to return that punt? It probably wouldn't have mattered, but if they had someone deep he could have caught that punt on the 15 yard line and the Eagles would have started their desperation drive from there rather than on the 4.
posted by 86 at 10:33 AM on February 07, 2005
If there had been someone back for the punter to worry about, he may even have kicked it into the paint... As it was, the Pat punter knew he could just drop the ball over the top with no fear of a return.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 10:36 AM on February 07, 2005
Actually, the announcers did call out that Dillon block -- a little rushed, but they got it. This does not mean I liked 'em, though -- they were pretty sloppy about replays, particularly on penalty calls.
posted by Bryant at 10:46 AM on February 07, 2005
Here you go jason. Can the networks kill the idea of a "pylon cam" and "ground cam" now? Those were pretty stupid.
posted by NoMich at 10:57 AM on February 07, 2005
NoMich, thanks for that link. that cat/gravy/knife spot was tops.
posted by garfield at 11:01 AM on February 07, 2005
Yeah, those Ameriquest commercials were a hoot. Really, the only Superbowl worthy ones, IMO. Oh yeah, the videos may be a bit slow since the Web site was posted to Fark.
posted by NoMich at 11:03 AM on February 07, 2005
nomich, you rock! life imitates art in those ads
posted by jasonspaceman at 11:24 AM on February 07, 2005
Well, the Eagles might learn something from this and be back. Y'all can hope, right? Also: Gladys Knight playing Rugby?
posted by chicobangs at 11:33 AM on February 07, 2005
Ufez, my girlfriend called that out to me in the kitchen and my immediate response was, "Bernadette Devlin must be so proud."
posted by yerfatma at 12:02 PM on February 07, 2005
Odd tangent: Anyone else find if kind of wrong that they used 'Sunday, Bloody Sunday' as the leader into the second half? Not as odd as Fox playing Steve Earle's "The Revolution Starts Now" as the leader into the second half. They were doing that earlier this year. Not that I complained. I just thought it was funny that Fox/NFL would allow such a song into their conservative/jocky midst.
posted by NoMich at 12:44 PM on February 07, 2005
There's got to be some strange stories to come out of Philadelphia this week. Reid was barely coherent in any post-game interview I read or heard and McNabb said about two words. You just know somebody's gonna bust out on the clock management and probably the complete inability to take advantage of the two rookies and one second year player in the Pats' secondary--those young guys were absolutely the difference with downfield coverage.
posted by billsaysthis at 02:24 PM on February 07, 2005
I think Philly would be making a huge mistake in overreacting to this loss. If this team stays intact - right now they'd be an early favorite for next year.... Maybe can do without Freddie Mitchell.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:55 PM on February 07, 2005
Weedy, I agree with you... It's way too early to start making dramatic changes in Philly. Naturally, as a Redskins fan, I hope they trade McNabb, Reid retires, and Mitchell becomes their go-to guy. In all seriousness, Freddie Mitchell has to go. He's like a poor man's Todd Pinkston. I remember when he came out of UCLA, he was supposed to be the shite. That didn't work out too well. You think the Eagles wish they could go back and re-think that selection, 25th overall in the 2001 draft? They could take Reggie Wayne (taken with the 30th pick overall), Quincy Morgan (33rd), Alge Crumpler (35th), Chad Johnson (36th), Robert Ferguson (41st), Chris Chambers (52nd), Steve Smith (74th), Justin McCareins (124th), or T.J. Houshmandzadeh (204th). And just so you know David Terrell went 8th, Koren Robinson 9th, Rod Gardener 15th, & Santana Moss 16th.
posted by 86 at 03:39 PM on February 07, 2005
You could play that game with any disappointing draft pick, 86. It's guaranteed that a first rounder who sucks, viewed with benefit of hindsight, will be worse than a lot of later picks from the same year.
posted by rcade at 03:59 PM on February 07, 2005
Ufez: Odd tangent: Anyone else find if kind of wrong that they used 'Sunday, Bloody Sunday' as the leader into the second half? Very much so. It's sick and disrespectful to use a song about unarmed people being gunned down as a theme to a game, even if it's a game where bones get broken occasionally. Weedy: I think Philly would be making a huge mistake in overreacting to this loss. If this team stays intact - right now they'd be an early favorite for next year.... Me three. Pro sports teams are too much like corporate America: try something, and if it doesn't get you a world championship in six months, declare a New Direction, fire the scapegoats, and jerk everybody else around mercilessly with a bunch of meaningless mumbo jumbo so they can't be productive at all, at all. The difference between flip-flopping and driving the bus over the cliff isn't a particularly fine line; it's comfortably wide, and if you can't figure out how to find the difference between those two extremes -- it's called "staying the course", by the way -- you shouldn't be running a lemonade stand, much less anything of consequence. (and I like lemonade)
posted by lil_brown_bat at 05:00 PM on February 07, 2005
"Bernadette Devlin must be so proud." Guh. It was just....meh. Not as odd as Fox playing Steve Earle's "The Revolution Starts Now" as the leader into the second half. And oddly, I saw Steve Earle on Super Bowl's Eve. He played that song twice. Even better was he made it so that the song on the PA right before he came out was "The Revolution Will not be Televised". A lot of guys in cowboy hats looked a bit....confused.
posted by Ufez Jones at 05:03 PM on February 07, 2005
Oh, BTW -- interesting column from Bob Ryan on why the Patriots aren't a dynasty. Agree, disagree? Makes sense to me...
posted by lil_brown_bat at 05:21 PM on February 07, 2005
another link for ads, including ones that were banned.
posted by goddam at 07:27 PM on February 07, 2005
How was the show Ufez? I see he's hitting Canada in a big way very soon. /derail
posted by NoMich at 07:28 PM on February 07, 2005
lil_brown_bat: Agree, disagree? Well, technically, Ryan proposes that no NFL team - save maybe the legendary 49ers of yore - has ever been a dynasty. By his logic, I agree that the Patriots are not a dynasty. On the other hand, as long as the word dynasty is going to be applied to the '60s Packers, the '70s Steelers and the '90s Cowboys, it logically must be applied to the '00 Patriots.
posted by Joey Michaels at 07:41 PM on February 07, 2005
Ach, it was great, NoMich. Allison Moorer, who opened and then join Earle and the Dukes for a few songs, has a fantastic, powerful voice. Steve played for a solid two hours, and included a Stones, Beatles, and Townes Van Zandt cover. If he comes close by and you're a fan, I definitely recommend it.
posted by Ufez Jones at 08:09 PM on February 07, 2005
Hell yeah, I wouldn't miss him for the world. I even like his sister's stuff.
posted by NoMich at 08:14 PM on February 07, 2005
Agreed rcade. I just recalled that Wayne was taken not too long after Mitchell and when I went to confirm it, I noted Johnson, Chambers, and Smith... And then I went a little overboard listed them all.
posted by 86 at 08:19 PM on February 07, 2005
Joey: exactamundo. Ryan's reasoning is that there hasn't been a "dynasty" in the NFL, and the Patriots aren't the first. I won't accuse him of humpty-dumptying; "dynasty" does sound pretty grandiose when applied to three wins.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:47 AM on February 08, 2005
Dynasty is a word that has been co-opted by sports writers to mean something very different than what historians mean when they discuss ancient China. Maybe it's hyperbole, but so is almost all writing about sports, so big deal, get over it.
posted by fabulon7 at 08:13 AM on February 08, 2005
Yeh, but fabulon, did you read Ryan's column? He's got a valid point, in that there's a big difference between the Canadiens' and Yankees' eras of dominance, and anything that's ever been done in the NFL. That's his point, and yeah, I thought he was wandering off into the weeds with the talk about ancient China; he should have just stuck to sports, because that's where he has a valid point.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:37 AM on February 08, 2005
How many Superbowls did the Canadiens win then? I missed those years. I don't think that comparing football, (especially modern day football with its CBA, free agency and salary cap), to baseball and hockey is especially useful. This now is just the media writing about itself - I don't call the Pats or anyone else a dynasty. The papers do and now they've started arguing with themselves.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 11:16 AM on February 08, 2005
This has become the world's biggest semanitc arguement. This just in: Pats are good. Real good. Dynasty good? Just a moniker.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 11:36 AM on February 08, 2005
Being a dynasty is how these teams are remembered as the greatest of their era in the NFL. If you're a Pats fan who thinks they belong in the same sentence as teams like the '70s Steelers and '90s Cowboys, you should be using the word dynasty as much as possible, not running from it. The Dallas team of the '70s was almost as good as the Steelers, but over time they seem to recede further away from them in the eyes of the media and fans. As a Dallas homer, the thing I liked best about Switzer ekeing out a Super Bowl with Jimmy's players was that three wins in four years invited the dynasty talk. And since no one else matched it in the '90s, Dallas is widely regarded as the team of the decade.
posted by rcade at 12:42 PM on February 08, 2005
In a seven-game series on neutral ice, I would take the Patriots over the Yankees.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 12:48 PM on February 08, 2005
I remember growing up in Connecticut hating the Cowboys in the 1970's. I was surprised when, later in life, I discovered that they were not really the dominant team of the 1970's. I remembered them being an absolute juggernaut of a team. Funny how your brain plays tricks on you like that. When they started winning again in the 90's, I was able to muster up some of that old passion. I loved rooting against them and was, I confess, a little bummed when they stopped being so dominant. Of course, I also thought that the 70's Dolphins were a team that would be listed among the all time greats, and, with the exception of Ryan's column, I've seen very little reference to them since the Patriots' streak ended. Short memories, these writers.
posted by Joey Michaels at 12:48 PM on February 08, 2005
The '71-'74 Dolphins are constantly screwed by the Steelers run later in the decade; they had as good a run as anyone over 3-4 years.
posted by tieguy at 01:03 PM on February 08, 2005
I did read the column. And comparing what's been done in the NFL to what's been done in the NHL is almost as ridiculous as comparing NFL-Dynasty to Ancient-Chinese-Dynasty. The criteria are different because the sports and the leagues are totally different. There haven't even been 40 Superbowls. The Stanley Cup has been awarded every year since 1893. (And exclusively to NHL teams since 1927.) So if you want to say that the NFL's short history means there can't be a real NFL dynasty, fine, but where's the fun in that? Why not let everyone call this (and the Steelers, and the Cowboys) a dynasty until something more dynastic comes along? You have to start somewhere.
posted by fabulon7 at 01:04 PM on February 08, 2005
So if you want to say that the NFL's short history means there can't be a real NFL dynasty, fine, but where's the fun in that? Why not let everyone call this (and the Steelers, and the Cowboys) a dynasty until something more dynastic comes along? You have to start somewhere. Since when is the word "dynasty" applied at the start of anything? You apply it in retrospect, and Ryan's point is that there ain't enough retro yet to do that. So, fine, do it your way, call it "a dynasty until something more dynastic comes along." Then what will you do? Call the more-dynastic thing "the real dynasty, we were just kidding before"? Dynastic is bombastic, and bombast is the killer. The Patriots know. Are any of them using the D-word?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 01:59 PM on February 08, 2005
Yeah, but bombast is the killer for athletes, not for sportswriters who really have no other purpose than to inject some kind of sense of the epic into what is otherwise just a football game.
posted by fabulon7 at 02:26 PM on February 08, 2005
Fer chirssakes: "dynasty" is used all the time in reference to sports teams. If you mention a team and an era as a "dynasty", 99.9999% of sports fans will understand what you mean. Bob Ryan doesn't determine what's what. Sports are made for arguing, but arguing about the actual things that happen, not the words we use. This is equivalent to people who correct the American pronunciation of the word "forté" by saying "fort," even though it confuses everyone and doesn't explain why the é is silent but the t is not.
posted by yerfatma at 03:17 PM on February 08, 2005
The Patriots know. Are any of them using the D-word? Are we seriously limiting our sport discussion vocabulary to words the athletes in question know? You better alert all those old white guys that wax rhapsodic about boxing.
posted by yerfatma at 03:19 PM on February 08, 2005
What I want to know is why sportswriters (and us here) limit football to Super Bowl winners and don't include the NFL champs from prior years. There's only one NHL, after all, it didn't need the four absorbed WHA teams for validation.
posted by billsaysthis at 07:55 PM on February 08, 2005
It did need that orange puck though.
posted by yerfatma at 07:59 PM on February 08, 2005
Eagles 24-21. Touchdown for TO. Two interceptions for Brady.