Off the hook?: Bertuzzi is looking at a conditional sentence
Both are bad. I'm not sure there is a reason to say one is worse than the other. If I had to choose, I'd say Bertuzzi's was worse, but mostly due to the other factors involved (severity of the injury, past threats/comments/actions, etc). Just for kicks, I'm going to find a random co-worker and kick his ass this afternoon. Once I get him on the ground I'm going to repeatedly punch him in the face.
posted by 86 at 12:36 PM on December 17, 2004
Maybe it's just me, but this (cut and pasted from 86's link) seems much, MUCH worse than all of the cases mentioned above: The league suspended Chad Richards for the rest of the year following a violent crosscheck to the head of Hugo Poulin in the same game. Richards continued to apply pressure to Poulin's neck after the hit, leaving him unconscious on the ice. A year long suspension isn't even close in my mind to what he deserves. Here's hoping he gets jail time. I'm not surprsised that Big Bert is cutting a deal. The NHL, the city of Vancouver, and Bertuzzi himself don't need any more bad press than they already have right now.
posted by camcanuck at 01:37 PM on December 17, 2004
Sigh ... assault and jail time for everyone else in the world, but since you're Todd Bertuzzi, a conditional sentence for you.
posted by wfrazerjr at 03:17 PM on December 17, 2004
Given the differences (from the US) in the Canadian penal system, how likely is it that the judge would accept the sentencing recommendation? In the States I think that would be a near lock though judges do have some leeway. I mean, if the judge is a fed up hockey fan, could he ignore the deal and give Bertuzzi the full 18 month jail term?
posted by billsaysthis at 03:50 PM on December 17, 2004
...while D.Bash is banned for "repeatedly punched Kjernisted in the face while he was lying on the ice." Which is worse, iyo?