"How many halves are in a college basketball game? a. 1, b. 2, c. 3, d. 4." -- One of the questions on the final exam of Jim Harrick Jr.'s Coaching Principles and Strategies of Basketball class at the University of Georgia
posted by rcade to basketball at 09:50 PM - 9 comments
"In your opinion, who is the best Division I assistant coach in the country?" wha...? how many halves are in a hockey game. now _thats_ a toughie.
posted by owl at 10:33 PM on March 03, 2004
"How many points does a three point shot score?" I totally would've intentionally failed this test. "But coach, I thought you meant a three point shot from 1954..."
posted by forksclovetofu at 11:54 PM on March 03, 2004
Holy Junk did they leave out a lot of the questions! Here's a link to the full test (saw this on my friends LiveJournal earlier today).
posted by jmd82 at 12:36 AM on March 04, 2004
Oh yea, and I go to UGA...and I work in one the dining hall as the night supervisor and the football platers always leave their trays and dirty dishes laying around. EVERYONE else picks up after themselves. But, nooooooo, not the football players. They're too special. I talked to management about it once and was told to reccomend the football players to a dietitionists...I hate our footballs players!! ARGGGGGGGggg OK, I did just get home from work and am done ranting, thanks!
posted by jmd82 at 12:40 AM on March 04, 2004
How many credits is that class worth? This reminds me of a conversation that Chris Washburn once had with his tutor when he was at N.C.State. Tutor: Chris, what country is just south of America? Washburn: Canada? Tutor: No, Chris. I'll give you a hint. They speak Spanish. Washburn: Spain?
posted by vito90 at 08:27 AM on March 04, 2004
jmd82 - As a Gator fan, I hate your football players too ;)
posted by bcb2k2 at 08:38 AM on March 04, 2004
bcb2k2: That's okay, EVERYONE hates Florida ;)
posted by scully at 10:10 AM on March 04, 2004
vito: From our school bulletin: PEDS 3912. Coaching Principles and Strategies of Basketball. 2 hours. 1 hour lecture and 3 hours lab per week. Oasis Title: COACHING BASKETBALL. Principles, strategies, and methods of coaching basketball. Offered fall semester every year.
posted by jmd82 at 01:27 PM on March 04, 2004
That is a truly hilarious read. Thanks, rcade. There really should be something called the "How do the grits taste exam," though.