Transsexuals in the Olympics. : If the designer steroid thing doesn't work out...
Isn't part of the whole procedure of these operations taking mass quantities of banned steroids? Do the transexuals have to continue taking them to maintain the masculine/feminie traits or do they somehow get them to start producing their own? Not so versed on the transexual operation procedures.
posted by pivo at 04:13 PM on November 14, 2003
The Greek government withdrew legislation that would have made it easier for brothels to operate in Athens during the 2004 Olympics. Out of everything I read, this bothered me most.
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:16 PM on November 14, 2003
Damn Greeks. I have to replan my whole trip now.
posted by kloeprich at 04:19 PM on November 14, 2003
For those seriously curious about transsexuality, may I recommend exploring this, watching this and taking this.
posted by forksclovetofu at 09:10 PM on November 14, 2003
If someone wants to either add to or subtract from their physique for Olympic glory, such dedication should be rewarded, no? Any chance this could benefit in the reverse way most of us are pondering? Could a new man take gold in gymnastics, or diving, or something like that?