Young Boys' Wankdorf erection woe.: This is really a very boring story on ESPN Soccernet. What really stood out (up?) for me was the raging full-on ... headline. And that ESPN let it go. It's really quite humorous once you contrast the mundanity of the story with the just awesome headline. Do you have any other brilliant sports headlines you can link to? (I want proof.)
posted by worldcup2002 to culture at 02:34 PM - 5 comments
Poor wankers! (Sorry, had to say it!) Also, you Brits must have really strange accents to make that name sound like wanked off! You wankers!
posted by billsaysthis at 05:18 PM on June 26, 2003
This is arguably the defining headline in British tabloid football journalism.
posted by squealy at 06:01 PM on June 26, 2003
squealy, that is bloody brilliant. Sublime.
posted by worldcup2002 at 11:07 PM on June 26, 2003
As a guy who writes headlines daily, that's freaking brill, squealy.
posted by wfrazerjr at 03:01 PM on June 27, 2003
BERNE, Switzerland, June 26 (Reuters) - Young Boys have been forced to play a UEFA Cup qualifier with Finnish side MyPa away from their Neufeld home after European soccer's governing body UEFA refused to allow temporary seating. Young Boys, who host MyPa in the second leg on August 28, said on Thursday UEFA has not granted either their request to allow supporters to stand or for makeshift stands to be erected at the 6,800-capacity Neufeld stadium. The Neufeld is being used as an temporary home while Young Boys' new Wankdorf stadium, which will become the Swiss national team's home, is built following the demolition of their previous home. Boring story? I think not.