Larry Eustachy drinking : at Missouri student party. Regardless of the fact that he is highest paid state employee and contract has language to effect of providing positive image for the university, there is no way he should be fired or suspended.
posted by dales15 to basketball at 08:12 PM - 36 comments
Hey, I thought it was funny at first, but here are a couple of points: 1) Ripping his team to a bunch of college kids is pretty stupid. You think that's not going to get back to them? 2) Hitting on coeds is not appropriate. Sure, they're legal. So are the girls on the campus of Iowa State, and I'm pretty sure if he was walking around trying to bag one of them, there'd be a big stink. Maybe he shouldn't be fired, but this just makes him look silly and immature. And why would his players listen to him now if he says they aren't taking the game seriously enough? When the Cyclones lose, Eustachy apparently gets over it by getting bombed and hitting on their sisters.
posted by wfrazerjr at 09:21 PM on April 28, 2003
"Hitting on coeds is not appropriate. Sure, they're legal. So are the girls on the campus of Iowa State, and I'm pretty sure if he was walking around trying to bag one of them, there'd be a big stink." Well, that raises the question of how did Eustachy end up staying in Ames when he really should have been a white hot property after the 2001 season? He'd had two huge seasons in a row at that point and there were a lot of big jobs out there. And, nothing. So it's possible, that word had gotten around that he might bring problems. So he stays at Iowa State, where they might put up with it if he wins, cuts down on the skirt-chasing a bit and if no one ends up pregnant. The latter is vital if he likes his job.
posted by jackhererra at 11:02 PM on April 28, 2003
Even as a lifelong U of Iowa fan, I cannot much amusing about this. Eustachy's behavior is strange and a little creepy. He seems to get inordinately irate at the worst possible times for his team, and his peculiar personal habits have been the subject of an SI article. And now this. Talk about embarrassing for everyone involved. I wouldn't be surprised if some kind of counseling were prescribed, along with written apologies in the student paper, alumni magazine, the Des Moines Register, etc. I'm trying to imagine the Iowa coach, Steve Alford, pulling a stunt like this . . . and I can't. After a tough loss, Alford probably hangs around the gym to work on his jumpshot.
posted by jason streed at 11:03 PM on April 28, 2003
*I don't know anything about the man* but... Come on - you're telling me you've never done this? You get bombed, flirt with the wrong girls, and even though you know you're going to catch hell, hot damn it's fun while it lasts. I think the photos are really funny!
posted by dusted at 01:46 AM on April 29, 2003
I wonder if Eustachy has any "home-video" with the coeds, if you know what I mean, and where one might get their grubby little mitts on it.
posted by vito90 at 09:17 AM on April 29, 2003
he is highest paid state employee Anyone else find this the most disturbing part of the post?
posted by Ufez Jones at 10:30 AM on April 29, 2003
Ufez - that part comes as absolutely no surprise to me. The highest paid state employee in Washington is none other than Rick Neuheisel. I bet lots of state's highest paid employees are State college football and basketball coaches. What are ya gonna do? It's supply and demand. The state and the U of W has made the determination that the football team is important. They need a big-name coach. This is the market for big name coaches. If we didn't pay him, some other school would. If you're a sociology or English professor, you make less. What's your alternative? At least a Law professor can leave and go practice law. There's a market for all things labor, and coaches especially are market makers.
posted by vito90 at 10:45 AM on April 29, 2003
he is highest paid state employee Yes, that is very disturbing. I thought the same thing when Steve Lavin was fired and I found out the UCLA basketball coach is the highest paid California state employee. This UCLA newspaper article explains the discrepancy between massive state budget cuts and $1 million+ coach salaries. My favorite excerpt: California Gov. Gray Davis, meanwhile, makes an annual salary of $175,000
posted by dusted at 10:46 AM on April 29, 2003
I know, I'm not really surprised by it at all, but it still disturbs me. As someone who a) works for local gov't, and b) wants to be a professor I guess I just wish for more emphasis on less trivial affairs. I dunno, I just can't shut that idealist in me up. I guess I'm probably presenting an argument to the wrong crowd though, eh?
posted by Ufez Jones at 01:06 PM on April 29, 2003
Isn't this just another flavor of the argument: How come nurses and teachers get paid crap and can't afford a house but dumb athletes use $100 bills to light their Cuban cigars as they soak in the outdoor gold-plated jacuzzi next to the Olympic-sized pool of their three-story hillside mansion? This is how I live, btw, so I have no problem with this gross inequity. My agent tells me it's a blessing bestowed upon me by the invisible hand of the free market. And I take that, light it up with a roll of Benjamins and smoke it.
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:17 PM on April 29, 2003
Well, as soon as I see everyone here posting on PoetryFi or EnglishFi, I will guess a market has developed, revenue is being generated and professors are being fought over like free agents. Until then, that's the way it is.
posted by wfrazerjr at 01:22 PM on April 29, 2003
erm, btw, I hope you read my comment with sarcasmfilter set to HIGH. I think this story is just a really tiny sad microcosm of the larger inequities that go unnoticed (or are celebrated to obscene proportions). If we feel so strongly against this, why do we support the athletes so much that even high school sports is turning into a million-dollar playground? Why don't we start spending our ticket dollars by putting the $75 a ticket into our school levies (rather than voting them down) or fundraisers for teachers and equipment or taxes. Man, even if you go to one pro ball game a month, that's $75 (just one ticket, not counting taking a family of four, paying for gas, parking, munchies) times 8 (?) which equals to $600. I've heard it costs $200 each time to take your family to a pro game, counting all that other stuff. $200 x 8 = $1600. Sure, paying teacher salaries is not as fun, but why else do you think we have what we have now?
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:34 PM on April 29, 2003
Back on topic: I was looking forward to a good bit of rage here, but I can't find anything to be outraged about (except the guy's salary, of course). It's kind of sad that he got tanked with college girls, but it's not illegal. Frowned-upon and stupid maybe, but not illegal. It's not like he was a professor and had control of their grades or anything. I'm fully in favor of getting drunk with college girls.
posted by Samsonov14 at 01:37 PM on April 29, 2003
I've been to four pro games since I moved to Dallas a year ago. The Rangers game I went to for free with my girlfriend on her boss' tab. The Stars game we bought two seats off of a different boss of hers for about $25 a piece b/c the boss couldn't go. The Mavs game I went to I bought tickets day of and got buy one get one free in the cheap seats. Grand total for that game was $30. The Burn game that I went to was $20 a seat for 11th row back at the midfield line. I know your comment wasn't directed at anyone in particular, wc, and I agree with the sentiment, I just wanted to let it stand that you can actually attend games a little bit cheaper. I know that may not stand when it comes to a Fenway Park etc. etc., and the only team that I've even considered buying season tickets for was the Burn (and I would've if they weren't playing an hour each way from where I live). For those looking for a good alternative, Minor League Sports can be just as fun, especially for smaller kids that don't know the difference anyways. I will guess a market has developed, revenue is being generated and professors are being fought over like free agents. Until then, that's the way it is. That's kind of why I don't trust the market as the sole defining factor for economic development in the modern era, but that's a whole can of worms that definitely doesn't belong on SpoFi. And bookfilter has got quite a good crowd going for the short time it's been around.
posted by Ufez Jones at 01:44 PM on April 29, 2003
Ufez, regardless of what you paid for the Rangers and Stars tickets, between you and the boss (or employer of they were company tix), someone shelled out the full price. And that isn't really the quesiton posed by WC, which is whether we should be spending any $$ to attend these modern charades instead of paying teachers, nurses, etc.. more. I don't go to these games and would generally prefer to spend the money on more useful people but my tiny pocketbook doesn't count for much.
posted by billsaysthis at 02:30 PM on April 29, 2003
But all our tiny pocketbooks account for a lot. If we didn't pay so much money (and attention!) to these sports and instead showered it upon the teachers, people like Eustachy would probably be wanking off at night-security guard jobs somewhere. (I've gone an pissed off our security-personnel brotherhood now, I'm sure. Oh gawd, now I've pissed off our female contingent. I'm so sorry. So so sorry.) And we'd be posting incredibly erudite comments on ... ... TeacherFilter! ... EducationFilter! ... NurseFilter! (Hellooooo, nurse!) I copyrighted all of those and am buying the domains right now.
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:10 PM on April 29, 2003
Obligatory mention of free Diablo's baseball, to be played under the lights at Eastside Catholic High School 6:00 PM Wednesday May 7. No charge. Plenty of bleacher seats still available. Tons of parking. Did I mention gratis?
posted by vito90 at 03:28 PM on April 29, 2003
whether we should be spending any $$ to attend these modern charades instead of paying teachers, nurses, etc.. more. I guess I did tweak the question towards something more palatable to my personal philosophy on life which is more "how much" versus "yes or no". I think there is a lot to be gained from professional sports, number one, getting all the little obese children off their asses and out in the parks trying to emulate their favorite athletes. I also think sports in general serve as a great teaching tool for discipline and teamwork, which are life lessons. I also think many little kids wouldn't be near as excited about playing team sports if they didn't have sports heroes. So if I assume that there is value in sports, then I can assign a figure as to how much that is to me. That said, I do find it horrible that Alex Rodriguez is going to make some $26 million this year. Personally, I find it horrible that anybody is going to make that much this year. Salary caps seem to have done little to curb this trend in pro sports though, so what else can be done? Fan strike? I think all the fan threats from MLB that didn't pan out kind of shot that momentum in the foot. What to do?
posted by Ufez Jones at 03:52 PM on April 29, 2003
Ufez, there is nothing you personally can do about it and I am of the mind that if you worry about it you lose twice. Forget fan strikes or letter writing campaigns. Just close your wallet. Don't buy tickets and don't go to games. Every single Stanley Cup final, NBA final and semifinal, the NCAA tournament, Super Bowl, Monday Night Football can all be watched from your couch in your house. Drink your own beers at $1 per bottle. Eat good Polish Dogs right off your own grill, not a hot dog that was first put in the oven on opening day and has been reheated until home game # 22 when you finally drew the short straw. Crap in you own toilet, no line, no cold urine from 30,000 strangers before you already on the seat. Invite some friends over. Make them chip in for the pay-per-view events. Make them bring the wings. Pass the joint around at halftime. Don't begrudge people who make more than you because everywhere you go for the rest of your life some guy will be making millions at a much cooler job than you make peanuts for at your job. I know, I know, it's fun to witness history with 65,000 of your fellow fanatics. But it sucks to spend 2 hours trying to leave the parking lot. Going to games isn't all it's cracked up to be. Watching from home with your boys is an overlooked pleasure. But most of all, play the sport you love.
posted by vito90 at 04:18 PM on April 29, 2003
"I'm fully in favor of getting drunk with college girls." I whole-heartedly concur.
posted by garfield at 04:21 PM on April 29, 2003
Plenty of good advice, vito. It's kind of funny, usually this isn't something I get worked up about. Just this thread sparking something funny in me and a really shitty day at work that needed a nice diversion. Like I said, I attend very few games (it'll probably be far fewer next year, Burn again excepted, as I want to keep the team here and I know they're going to struggle with attendance, not even selling out the opening game). But most of all, play the sport you love. In 40 foot flaming letters. Playing will beat out watching any damn day of the week.
posted by Ufez Jones at 04:26 PM on April 29, 2003
I think there is a lot to be gained from professional sports, number one, getting all the little obese children off their asses and out in the parks trying to emulate their favorite athletes. This is a pretty poor argument given that the rise in salaries has pretty much paralleled the rise in American obesity. Sorry, Ufez.
posted by billsaysthis at 05:10 PM on April 29, 2003
But most of all, play the sport you love. Y'know, I play the sport I love (basketball), and it doesn't even vaguely resemble what I see on TV. Some is good: no refs to whine at after every single damn whistle. Some is bad: a fast break means two defenders are taking a beer break, but the offense still manages to miss three straight layup attempts.
posted by dusted at 05:22 PM on April 29, 2003
I don't know what you're talking about, dusted. I'm usu. dunking behind the head, alley-ooping and air-jordaning every pickup game I play. And sometimes I even break the board. Of course, I should mention that I am playing against my two-year-old and the board is hanging up over his changing table.
posted by worldcup2002 at 05:53 PM on April 29, 2003
Only on Sportsfilter can a conversation about a coach partying with college girls end up with argument on the pay scale for nurses!
posted by dusted at 08:18 PM on April 29, 2003
This is a pretty poor argument given that the rise in salaries has pretty much paralleled the rise in American obesity. Sorry, Ufez. Hey, your opinion is your own and I would never ask you to apologise for it. I will say though, that correlation does not always lead to causation. I would say though, that if someone took the time and money (and this would take years and be very controversial) that if we didn't have a pro sports obsession like we do, that possibly the already increasing obesity rating in children would be rising at an even faster rate. Just a premonition with fuck all to back it up, but it seems a bit intuitive to me. And I instantly regretted posting that about the obese kids anyways. With school programs cutting gym classes (along with other funds with arts, etc.) and fast-food chains paying to be able to serve kids meals in school, I really feel bad for the kids of today growing up and I really shouldn't say negative things about the overweight ones. It's one of the last stereotypes I'm trying to cleanse myself of.
posted by Ufez Jones at 11:16 PM on April 29, 2003
Kids today are fat and lazy, OK? There's nothing wrong with pointing that out! They're spending all their time on their asses playing the Nintendo and watching crap TV and stuffing their faces with cheese pops and green ketchup and stupid spreadable cheese on cracker combos. And their parents are too tired and overworked to prepare proper healthy meals for them. Stupid little lard asses! Stupid corporations! Bwwaaaaaaaargh!
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:13 AM on April 30, 2003
As an afterthought, the Des Moines Register called for Eustachy's ouster in an editorial this morning, citing his lack of leadership. He's also married with two kids. Did the original story even mention that?
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:53 AM on April 30, 2003
He's also married with two kids. OK, now this guy's dorkmeter reading has just hit the red bar.
posted by worldcup2002 at 11:00 AM on April 30, 2003
From espn's page2: Larry's Guide to Party Schools
posted by msacheson at 11:44 AM on April 30, 2003
Eustachy just came out with a press conference stating that he is an alcoholic, and is currently seeking treatment for such. He has stated that he will not resign from his coaching post, and I'm guessing the school won't fire him as of now...
posted by djspicerack at 01:34 PM on April 30, 2003
I don’t mean to disparage the guy if he truly has a drinking problem, but this smacks of major spin. If his sorry butt isn’t in a twelve step program by Tuesday then Iowa St. should can him.
posted by kloeprich at 05:50 PM on April 30, 2003
IIRC, at most state schools, the athletics department's funding is wholly separate from the University. The athletics department gets almost all their funding from revenue sports (football and men's basketball (UConn excepted)), alumni donations, and a variety of other places (conference revenue sharing, tv/radio rights, sneaker endorsements, etc.), so the state itself probably pays almost money for the coaches.
posted by gyc at 05:59 PM on April 30, 2003
If anyone is still in here,
Iowa State University officials, seeking to short-circuit brutal national publicity, moved Wednesday to dismiss men's basketball coach Larry Eustachy in the wake of reports that he drank and partied with students after games at the University of Missouri and Kansas State University.
posted by pfuller at 03:51 PM on May 01, 2003
Keep in mind that every college basketball coach imaginable goes to the Final Four for the coaches' convention. If he skipped New Orleans this year, I hold out hope that he's not full of shit about getting help. If he went, those Mizzou frat party pics might be nothing compared to what's floating out there right now.
posted by jackhererra at 01:34 AM on May 02, 2003
dales15, why did you post the link if you think the Tube (isn't that his nickname?) shouldn't be punished in any meaningful way? I think at most universities, professors would suffer some consequence for partying with undergraduates. Especially if there were any underAGE students at the party.