The Onion for the sports fan. : I hope this hasn't been posted before, but I came across this site today. Here's two sample headlines to get you rolling:
"Red Sox Deal Cy Young Winner For Pakistani Cab Driver "
"For the Last Time I’m Not the ‘Jesus’ Kurt Warner," Curt Warner Says"
From the archive entitled: Mark Cuban Still Trying to Hang Out with Players . "And if he sends me one more email titled ‘Wassup?," (Michael) Finley continued, "I’m suing Hotmail." Heh, it's funny because it's probably true. Thanks for the laughs vito90!
posted by therev at 11:47 AM on March 08, 2003
I loved this article, detailing the plight of Stuart Scott. From the article: "I heard him describe one of my dunks as ‘Strappin’ the ol’ yowza-pow milk truck to grampappy’s riverside wikka-wokka,’ said Sacramento Kings forward, Chris Webber. "Anybody even know what a ‘wikka-wokka’ is?" Just too funny...
posted by bcb2k2 at 12:48 PM on March 08, 2003
Heh. There's some gems in the past issues archive: "Garcia Readies For Tee Shot, Starves To Death Atlanta, GA -- Medical personnel and PGA officials report that Spanish golf star Sergio Garcia, known for his ceaseless pre-shot gripping routine, eventually passed away from severe malnutrition and dehydration. Garcia was 23." "Fantasy Campers Narrowly Defeat Devil Rays Legends Tampa, FL -- Attendees of a recent Tampa Bay Devil Rays Fantasy Baseball Camp, winners of a local promotional contest, just managed to defeat a team comprised of the team's all-time greats, sources reported Monday. The final score was 26-3."